‘Inside Webkinz X’ Video!

Big news! I’ve been granted a top-secret look at the new site!


Check out my video:



142 Responses to ‘Inside Webkinz X’ Video!

  1. myshadow2010 says:

    you sure made it sound fun. Now the results are its a total mess. Another shutdown today and still not fixed. Its not our computers Please fix the webkinz website

  2. PinkiePuppylover says:

    Gennelle please help me!! Ever since I logged in on Webkinz X, The half of my items in the corner disappeared. Like, I had two couches lineing the corner, and now half of each of them is gone. I tryed moving them but that didn’t work. I trying taking them out and putting them back in, but that didn’t work either. Help!! :(!!! Sincerely, PinkieDash1

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