More Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!


Hey guys… Michael Webkinz here, reporting for Webkinz Newz. I am excited to show you more concept drawings for the Haunted Castle theme! I have 3 to show today, but I’ll be posting the final three next Saturday, August 19th.


Here’s a look at the windows, featuring thick velvet curtains (and cobwebs of course), that look out to a night sky. Lightning flashes will make this item particularly spooky:



I love this next one… it’s a haunted throne! Clicking on this item will cause a ghostly queen to appear, sitting on the throne. She look harmless but I wouldn’t try to disturb her…



It seems like this queen has quite the presence in the haunted castle. Here’s a portrait of her that you can hang on your pet’s wall… I wonder if something will happen if you click on it… hmmmm… we’ll just have to wait and see!



Our new Halloween room theme will be available at the W-Shop (for KinzCash), starting October 1st. If you have any feedback or name suggestions for any of these items, please feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section below.


This has been Michael Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz…


90 Responses to More Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!

  1. THEFLASH says:

    i can’t wait for this room theme

  2. THEFLASH says:

    i say a hand should reach out of the picture and grab your pet

  3. madki2 says:

    I love all of these! Can’t wait for October!

  4. tinygma says:

    The navy sea theme is a CHAIR with spikes like Game of THRONES

  5. TabbyStar95 says:

    It would be nice to have an outside spooky street leading to all the spooky haunted castles. Maybe one day.

  6. cacogirl says:

    Oh My Gosh!!! I am super excited!

  7. megamom12 says:

    The Throne of Queen Vixen the Fourth

  8. gvio says:

    It’s not the theme i voted on but i like it so far

  9. SunsetSparkle says:

    Webkinz really has amazing ideas! I love looking at the new designs! I hope we can hear directly from the designers soon on Podkinz!

  10. tinygma says:

    DO ANY OF YOU REMEMBER a blue black theme with windows for background and BLUE GLOWING ORBS . There was a desk that was cool. It was around the time of the DARK WIZARD but it wasn’t the Dark Wizard .

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