Sneak Peek: Rainbow Hedgehog

Ready to get gardening with the super-cute Rainbow Hedgehog? There’s nothing this hedgie loves more than suiting up in their special Playful Gardener’s Outfit and taking to the great outdoors for some relaxing time outside! And when it’s time for a mid-day break, they’ll naturally want to snack on their most favorite baked treat: Rainbow Rock Candy Cookies!

80 Responses to Sneak Peek: Rainbow Hedgehog

  1. ilovefoxes951 says:

    Mine!!!!!!!!:) :) :) :) :) :D

  2. strawberryswirls27 says:

    Wow, what a different looking pet from any other webkinz that I’ve seen so far. I really like it’s style. Today I got a grumpy cat.. and thing is I can not decide on a name! I know the real cat’s name is Tardar Sauce, but I want to go with something else. If anyone could reply, I’d appreciate it a lot. -happy monday everyone<3

  3. xGummySparklesx says:

    I WANT IT SO BAD!!!!!! :D

  4. 19tiny55 says:

    CLOUD OUTFIT will look nice on this pet. :)

  5. TheGirlWithTheCamera2004 says:

    Please bring back the signatures, everyone on kinztube and kinztagram is unhappy about it. Please, just bring them back.

  6. aannaa says:

    Hi! This is a really adorable pet! I love the plush version of this pet as well. The Pet Specific Food is so cool! Thanks!

  7. Iluvsticker says:

    Awww! This is SOOO cute! Defiantly getting it! :)

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