Spring Celebration Gift Basket Gallery!


Log in to Webkinz World or with the Webkinz mobile app (available in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store) on Sunday, March 27th, to get your 2016 Spring Celebration Gift Basket, filled with wonderful prizes!


Take a look at all of the different designs for the Spring Celebration Gift Baskets from the past, including a sneak peek at this year’s gift basket:




How many of these Spring Celebration Gift Baskets have YOU received? Let us know in the comments below!



67 Responses to Spring Celebration Gift Basket Gallery!

  1. veve08 says:

    this will be my 9th Easter Basket

  2. Sunshower says:

    These are great! My favorite is DEFINITELY 2016. Or 2014. Or 2007. Did I say definitely…? LOL o_O (Derp face!)

  3. butterfly7 says:

    I have had all except 2006. I only found out about Webkinz in 2007. I wish we could keep all the pretty baskets and gift boxes that we get. I do have one account where I do not open them, they just sit in my dock ;D

  4. Ilovepiggies297 says:

    How do you get one?

  5. haleylovergirl says:

    This is going to be the first time I am getting an Easter basket I am pretty excited.

  6. LUV says:

    My favorites are: 2007, 2014, and 2016!

  7. Wishies says:

    My favorite is 2007!

  8. ecf says:

    Are there going to be anymore contests for March, Sally? Are there going to be any at the beginning of April?

  9. huggablehoneys4ever says:

    Michael will you do another Let’s Build video soon? It doesn’t even have to promote items, just a spring one for fun or something

    • christianfroggy1420 says:

      Im starting a fan “let’s build page soon. Maybe I will call it Let’s Build Like Michael. I will have promo rooms and awesome kinzcash rooms. It will be for all webkinz players members or non-members. The cool thing is maybe ppl will go deluxe after seeing the rooms. So I can help promote my favorite game.

  10. ca10lu says:

    They’re all lovely, but I look forward to seeing what’s inside more.

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