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February 24, 2014 at 2:26 pm #858303
February 7, 2025 at 9:20 am #2650938
Hi everyone – since the floating teacups just ended I’m hoping that other people had better luck than I did collecting entire sets. I was fortunate enough to complete the entire kids room tea set and the city styling but had some trouble with the neo-gothic collection (which was the ones I really wanted). If anyone is up for a trade I need the Neo Gothic tea set and one Neo Gothic chair. For trading I have 2 City Styling Chairs, 1 City Styling Table, 1 City Styling tea set, 6 Kids Room Chairs and 2 Kids Room tables. Thanks for looking at what you found!
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February 7, 2025 at 9:52 am #2650956
Hi piglet0703 – I have an extra of both the NG tea set and chair that I can send to you – we are friends on the my alphacat account. Nothing needed in return – happy to help. :-) I’m in a rush right now, but will send later today. Have a great weekend – alphacat
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February 3, 2025 at 4:04 pm #2650308
Just saying hi to all my forum friends. Miss you all, and I’m still here, just busy in the real world. Hope to be more active soon and back to helping when I can. Hugs, Frankie
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February 4, 2025 at 9:33 am #2650380
Hi frankie98! So good to hear from you and to read below that you are finally back into your own house :) My energy levels continue to fluctuate so I am still hit or miss in being able to participate in the forums, but I do miss everyone as well. Big hugs to you! Your friend ~ Pearl
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February 4, 2025 at 11:24 am #2650404
Hi my dear friend Pearl, so nice to hear from you as well. I have been thinking of you often and hoping you are having good days, and not over doing. I’m sorry to hear you are still having issues, but I know that is something you have to deal with as best you can. The notes you have sent and treats, make me smile. Thank you for thinking of me. Being part of this wonderful community brings me happiness and is a highlight of my life. Take care of yourself, Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)
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February 3, 2025 at 1:14 pm #2650232
Hi frankie – thank you so much for the gift I received Saturday! It was just what I needed and the foods are also amazing – I did not have them, in fact I’ve never seen them before. :-D I’ve been thinking of you are your house – I do hope that progress is being made even if it’s slow progress. Are you looking for anything these days? From the Estore code I received an extra Booth Table if you need one. Sending hugs, alphacat
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February 3, 2025 at 4:04 pm #2650304
Hello my friend, so happy to hear you liked the gift. I think I saw that you were looking for the booth but could not find the post as usual lol:) Thank you for thinking of me and my house saga. I have moved back in but still waiting for some things to be fixed before I can start getting my items back in order, meaning out of boxes and out of my bedroom. I’m still climbing over boxes, but at least I can live there. It has been such a long road, and I can’t wait for it to be over and get back to normal. I appreciate your always generous offer, but I am not looking for anything at the moment. I haven’t had much time for decorating in WW when my real-world house needs so much attention. Much more fun in WW… Hope you are doing well and thank you for being a wonderful friend. Big Hugs, Frankie:)
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February 3, 2025 at 11:49 am #2650216
@alphacat…Hey there my friend!! There is a code at the eStore that I entered yesterday & received a Winterfest Tea Party Chair. I do recall you searching for one a while back & wondered if you still need it. Let me know! bananasbw :D
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February 3, 2025 at 1:14 pm #2650228
Hi bananas – how are you? Thanks so much for remembering that! You are already so thoughtful!! Yes, I saw the code yesterday and won another chair, so I have just what I need. Also, thank you for the Icy Shelf you sent at the beginning of Winterfest – I really liked the prizes this year. Hope all is well with you – can’t believe January went so fast. Many thanks, too, for helping Webkinzplayer/Beanie with her downsizing. :-) Please let me know if there is anything you are looking for yourself these days. Hugs – alphacat
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February 3, 2025 at 4:04 pm #2650306
Hi B, Miss you and hope you are doing well. Thank you for the lovely outfits. They are all so pretty. Thank you for thinking of me as you always do. It brightens my day to get surprise packages:) I’m back in my house, finally, but it’s still a mess and nothing in its place. Kinda of like my rooms in WW lol:) Not much time for decorating but one day soon I will be back in action. Hope we can meet up soon for a chat. Big Hugs, F
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February 3, 2025 at 9:17 am #2650182
Hi friends, I have been looking for these a long time now so I thought I would try here to see if I might be able to find them by posting here. I am looking for the following retired items: Space Dresser (Space theme), Football Grill (Football theme), Chilly Lounging Chair (Winter Wonderland theme), Frosted Ice Floor Lamp (Winter Wonderland theme), Ice Cold Toy Box (Winter Wonderland theme), Winter Wonderland Sofa (Winter Wonderland theme), Figure Skates (Retired W-Shop), Toy Tool Belt (Retired W-Shop), Markers (Retired W-Shop), Portable Telephone (Retired Daily Kinzcare), Dancing Zingoz (Retired Adoption Exclusive), Designer Purse (Retired SPREE!) Designer Purse Rack (Retired SPREE!), Gold Leaf Coffee Table (Retired SPREE!), Yoga Ball Bed (Retired SPREE!), Electronic Keyboard (Retired SPREE!), .. also looking for the following retired clothing items: Plumpy’s Glasses, Purple Ball Cap, Purple T-Shirt, Red Sports Pants, Stone-Washed Jeans, & the Brown Belt. Please let me know if you have these items.. I have a lot to trade & I would be super happy to be able to finally find these items :) TYSM! <3
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February 4, 2025 at 9:33 am #2650378
Hi kaykay94k2, looking over your list I have found the following items on my main account: Portable Telephone, Designer Purse Rack, Electronic Keyboard, and a Winter Wonderland Sofa. Please send a FR request to twinz317 and I can send these out to you. As I’m able to check my secondary accounts, I’ll see if I have anything else from your list. Let me know if your username is different than this one so I know I’m answering the correct request. Thanks! ~ Pearl757
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February 4, 2025 at 3:29 pm #2650414
Hi kaykay94k2 ~ I accepted your FR and have sent your first package which included the: Winter Wonderland Sofa, Frosted Floor Lamp, and Ice Cold Toy Box. Tomorrow I can send the Designer Purse Rack, Electronic Keyboard, and the Portable Telephone. The final item from your list that I have is a Dancing Zingoz. Speaking of retired items, just curious if you would have an extra of any of the lava lamps? They are something I was never able to get or to find in trade but would enjoy having :)
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February 5, 2025 at 9:42 am #2650470
I had posted a response & for some reason I guess it didn’t actually post. Anyways, tysm, this has made me super happy. I have lots of other things that I can send, but I do not have the lava lamps at the moment. I am actually going to be working out something with someone in the future maybe like in a month or two & I will make sure to send you however many lava lamps I can. I am going to be getting one of each for myself so I will make sure to try & grab one of each for you as well <3 I promise to make sure to keep in touch with you about that. Is there anything else you are looking for? I don't really have retired items as I just started playing again 2 years ago & I lost my childhood account, but I have other items <3 :)
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February 5, 2025 at 1:45 pm #2650510
Happy I could help with some of the items you are looking for. I’m sorry to hear you lost your childhood account. I started playing along with my daughters in about 2007 and I now manage our accounts (hoping they might want to return to them as you have). Best of luck in rebuilding and creating anew! If you find any lava lamps to share that would be wonderful! But no worries, the items I’ve sent were gifts. Welcome back to Webkinz ~ enjoy!
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