Peace Puppy

Spotted with styling Peace symbols a plenty, the Peace Puppy makes a perfect pet! This precious pup will lift your spirits as you stare deep into its peaceful eyes. The Peace Puppy loves to stare at its Plasma Peace Sign and eat a plate of Peaceful Pasta!

29 Responses to Peace Puppy

  1. belbel1010 says:

    I recently bought one secondhand online and I’m waiting for the seller to ship it! I don’t have any name ideas yet though!

  2. SolsticeBlaze says:

    I’ve always wanted a Peace Puppy. I didn’t get the chance to buy one before they became outrageously expensive.

  3. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    I don’t care for the peace sign, but other than that, this pet is pretty cute! I love its striped nose! I hope I can find one someday.

  4. jaybones says:

    I only have one pup my sis has too

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