Original 8 Pets


To celebrate our 10th anniversary, on April 29 we are making virtual versions of our 8 original pets available for 3500 eStore points each! Deluxe members pay 2000 each!

65 Responses to Original 8 Pets

  1. iloveoreo123 says:

    This would be so cool to see happen again for the 20th anniversary this year!! Can’t wait to see what you all have in store for us!

  2. ACEPet9527 says:

    I have four of the original eight (the cocker spaniel, golden retriever, cow, and b/w cat.)

  3. DavidSpaniel2 says:

    tbh, the cocker spaniel is a legend, he’s on the tag, he’s as famous as famous can be, he was the 1st ever webkinz released, too bad they had to change his name to “lil cocker spaniel” because of the webkinz next cocker spaniel.

  4. HeHe169 says:

    I have a Cocker Spaniel. I think it’s a Generation 1 Webkinz because it and the tag look old, while the back of the tag calls it “Dog Cocker Spaniel” instead of “Cocker Spaniel”. It also has no Magic W on it. The W in Webkinz on the tag also looks like the old one.

  5. onesmarty says:

    I have none! My little brother has a big and lil cocker spaniel and a lion. Although he puked on the lion and we put him in the washer and now his mane is an afro! Although I honestly don’t like the type of pokey fur the originals have.

  6. moonkinzofficial says:

    i have all of these except the cow and pig!

    • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

      Cool! I only have the hippo(2 Lil’ Kinz) and the B&W Cat(1 original sized).l My mom and older brother have the Golden Retriever(Regular sized). I have all of the costumes, but the kitty cants.

  7. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Hey, is this going to happen this year? =D

  8. rocohoneypie says:

    they forgot to put in the webkinz googles on here!! that pet was the first pet ever made on webkinz!!

  9. SirTobyPenguin says:

    I got the black and white cat because it was the first Webkinz I ever got on my first account a long time ago. :) This is awesome!

  10. HersheyDawg1 says:

    If u want a buddy than buddy me my user is HersheyDawg1

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