Black And White Cat

This cool cat is sure to be your new best friend! Black and white cats love to play games and learn new things. They especially like to chow down on catnip chips and dip. Know what this kitty likes best of all? Hanging out with you!

19 Responses to Black And White Cat

  1. lynxkitty says:

    I have six of these sooo cute

  2. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    I just ordered this cutie off Amazon! I’ll name it Dimmy (Dimentio from Super paper Mario’s fan nickname)

  3. shuggylay says:

    This is the pet that I have the most of: 4 big and 1 Lil’ Kinz! I got my Lil’ Kinz at Fred Meyer a few years ago, a big one for my birthday last year, a big one from T.J.Maxx earlier this year, a big one from the Dollar Store last week, and another big one from the Dollar Store last week. I named the Lil’ Kinz Spottedpath, after one of my Warriors OCs, a big one Double Stuf, after the delicious Oreos, a big one Oreo, because the colors of her fur are the same colors as an Oreo, a big one Mittens, because her white paws look like mittens, and another big one Olivia, because the Black and White Cat seems so simple yet popular to me, and Olivia is the 2nd most popular female baby name in the US, so it’s simple yet popular.

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