Collect Acorns In September!


Get ready to collect Acorns starting September 1st! To access your collection, open the THINGS TO DO menu and click on the link to KINZVILLE. You’ll see the Acorn Collection icon next to your map. Click on the icon to open your collection.


Everyday you’ll get one FREE Acorn just by clicking on the icon (Deluxe Members get 2 FREE Acorns a day), but you can ask your friends for more!


Starting on September 9th, you’ll also be able to find a BONUS Acorn on Webkinz Newz. Look for the floating Acorn and click on it to have it sent back to your Webkinz World account!


Collect all 50 Acorns to win the grand prize, an Oak Tree Bed, but you’ll still earn prizes along the way:



Don’t leave your Collection to the last minute. Each time you collect 50 Acorns you’ll get the chance to play through it again!


Don’t forget, you only have until September 30th to complete your Collection. Will you be collecting Acorns in September? Please leave your comments below…


123 Responses to Collect Acorns In September!

  1. MajesticFox says:

    TBH I really don’t like the “Grand” prize

  2. sjl44 says:

    Did not receive the Orange Oak Tree Rug after getting 10 acorns on any of the 4 accounts I play on.

  3. methemyaisawesome says:

    it is cool bc it reminds me of the Adirondacks when i go!

  4. monar says:

    I am not receiving the correct acorn count on my account. I can send requests to my friends but not receiving but only one or two back. I know this because I am the friends. What’s up with that? Anyone else having issues?

  5. Sophie_the_awesome says:

    Everybody has to wait for the date. :(

  6. pumkin2009 says:

    The prizes look great, but why wait until Sept. 9th to start the floating Acorns??? This is the only way I know for sure I can complete my collection.

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