Recess Packed Lunch Food Gallery!


Unlock Recess each time you sign up your pet for 15 full days of classes at the Kinzville Academy! Remember, a “full day” of class is when you try any 3 classes with your pet.



When you finish Recess, Ms. Cowoline will give you a special Packed Lunch that you can drag and drop into your room to see what tasty treats are inside. The Packed Lunch contains 3 food items, including: 1 drink, 1 main course and 1 snack! Here’s a look at all of the foods you can currently find inside the Packed Lunch:



Do have some Recess food stored away on your account? The Hopscotch Gummies, Cream of Ivy Leek Soup and H2O To Go have now been officially retired, which means they’re now collectibles!



How many of these Recess foods have YOU collected? Let us know in the comments below.


39 Responses to Recess Packed Lunch Food Gallery!

  1. morelikeautumn says:

    Can’t wait until my next recess break! Twelve more days of classes to go!

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