Win WKN Exclusive Costume Pieces!

Play our Peek-A-Newz Challenge to win random pieces of Webkinz Newz exclusive Halloween costume pieces! Look for the Black Cat from now until October 25th, and the Black Bat from October 26 until October 31.

28 Responses to Win WKN Exclusive Costume Pieces!

  1. linasiara123 says:

    I haven’t seen the black bat at all

  2. badler1219 says:

    if anyone has the vampire pants and belt can you please send them to me I would appreciate it so much! Send to badler121994 thank you :)

  3. 4uLittleOne says:

    This is one of the best contests WW has had lately.. Thanks 2 everyone that designed new costumes and prizes.. Happy Halloween and i hope Sheldon wins.. II like Webkinz World just the way it is.. But each one running has good idea’s and bad ones, except Sheldon! Good luck 2 everyone though and I’m excited 2 find out who will win.. Hops they don’t change too many things..

  4. ImaPepper says:

    I keep getting pants… would be nice to get the other pieces ;-)

  5. jpendrick says:

    whats a peek a news contest and how does it work???

    • ImaPepper says:

      Peek-a-Newz is a contest event where you look for a host “peeking” out on the page somewhere five times to win a prize. On the purple bar at the top of the Newz page there are headings for different sections. If you move your mouse over the section for “contests” a box will drop down with choices to click on. Go to “events” and click it. You will find a page with a list of current events. In a Peek-a-Newz, click the “enter campaign” button. A new page will open describing the event, with another “enter campaign” button at the bottom. Make sure you read the description so you know what you’re looking for and what the prize is, and click the button. You will then be taken to the main page for Webkinz Newz, and you will start to find the host peeking out from pages (usually near the top). Be sure to let each page complete loading before you go to a new page, and click on the host each time you find him or her. After you find the host five times, you will win a prize for your Webkinz World account. You may need to enter your username and password to claim your prize; just be sure to read the notices when they pop up. It’s easier than it sounds, really. Have fun!

  6. kingdomheartsnerd says:

    Does anyone have the belt with the wings???

  7. spheal090 says:

    i need that costume

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