Plumpy’s Letter to Ruby

Dear Ruby,

The bridesmaid dress crisis has been averted! Thankfully, I got a phone call from Persephone this morning and she said that she actually found three beautiful dresses in her backroom. They’re perfect for Nibbles, Tabby and you! She’s going to make a few alterations, but they will most definitely be ready for my wedding. Which is exactly one month from today, by the way!

I hope you’re getting excited – I know I am! I’m going to go taste-test some cakes at La Soufflé in a couple of days. I’m pretty sure I’m going to go with chocolate cake with a grassy nibble butter cream, but we’ll have to see what Charles says!




34 Responses to Plumpy’s Letter to Ruby

  1. Annie says:

    yum sounds good that chocolate cake with grassy nibbles sure sounds good have fun!!!!

  2. Snake020101 says:

    I can’t wait to see the pretty pink dresses! I bet that they will be perfect for you perfect wedding Plumpy! I can’t wait to see how things all turn out! Be sure to post pictures!

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