Acorn Collection Event—Survey


How was your experience earning prizes in both games? 


In September 2023, for the first time ever, the Acorn Collection Event awarded prizes in BOTH Webkinz Classic and Webkinz Next!


If you earned prizes in the Acorn Collection Event in Classic, the same prize have been added to your dock in Webkinz Next.



We’d love to create more events that award prizes in both games but first its important that we hear from you!


How was your experience with the Acorn Collection Event? Did you collect both sets of prizes? Please tell us in the comments.




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125 Responses to Acorn Collection Event—Survey

  1. thebridgertons says:

    This was a great idea. The collection events are so much fun anyway, but getting them all on both versions of Webkinz was even more fun. All the prizes were great, even the first one. Usually I find the first prize is something I only want one of, but I repeat the collection because I want extras of at least one of the other items. Often this is a chair. I mean, how useful is a single dining chair? That wasn’t the case this time. I found so many uses for the shelf. Near the tub in the bathroom. Over a counter or work table in the kitchen. A couple flanking a fireplace in the living or bedroom. I love great new items that I already have a place for because they go with existing themes. Well done, Ganz. Very well done indeed. Thank you.

  2. KSC says:

    I thought this was great event! I love the Friendly Froggy theme in Classic and was thrilled to have it appear in Next as well. With the help of my wonderful friends, I was able to get through 2 rounds of the Acorn event. Thank you friends!

  3. booreeves says:

    I haven’t seen any acorn floating on my Webkinz Next screen so not good because too many glitches that’s been happening on Webkinz Next. But I haven’t got any thing from the acorns that floats on the screen.

  4. annm2990 says:

    I love being able to get the items in both Classic and Next! I wish the new werewolf items in Next allowed you to send a duplicate and keep the original. I will have to buy two sets, and I don’t have as nearly much money in Next as my classic account.

  5. pixiebunny says:

    Loved it! Can’t wait to build a new room in Next for the items! Thank you for sending them over!

  6. rachelgirl192 says:

    i am still frustrated that at the beginning when I first joined Next, nobody mentioned that both accounts could be or should be linked, that’s why I have a different login name for Next for my main account, so couldn’t get the Acorn collection prizes. When I found about the “linked accounts and send prizes bacK” rule, I did make a second account on Next just for this, so I have ended up having 2 accounts on Next and two on classic, and only the one linked account.

  7. memsrjoan says:

    I loved the event, especially since I got the prizes in my Next account, too! I really liked the items and hope you do some more pieces in that theme.

  8. acantara says:

    In Next after clicking on the pile of leaves, scrolling those the names is ridiculously slow. I classic, I agree that if we choose 10 people why is there only 5 we get back. I want to know that all 10 of my friends are complying with my request. If not, on to the next friend.

  9. Bowiegirl says:

    I only play Classic, and the items this year were fantastic! Oh, that stove (swoon)!! Keep up the great work :-)

  10. bocquet says:

    It was a great event made better by joining it with Next

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