Decorate Your Home with these Collecting Kinzville Prizes!

Collecting Kinzville rewards free prizes and Season Pass prizes that look incredible in your home.
Turn your yard into a mini Kinzville with 2 Kinzville Lampposts, a Bouncy Castle and more.

Indoor items include a Golden Hippo Fridge, a Map of the Gem Mines and a Desktop Claw Machine that dispenses one candy a day!

The Season Pass can be purchased at any time for as low as $6.99.
Which of these rewards is your favorite?
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8 Responses to Decorate Your Home with these Collecting Kinzville Prizes!

  1. rach1794 says:

    How do the rare items appear (I know to look for the glowing door)? The items change about every 3 hours – will the rare items appear for the 3 hour period or for some random 1 hour period? Is there any heads up for when it will appear? I detest X (aka Twitter) and I don’t need the constant noise of notifications from most of the other social platforms? I’d be willing to sign in at a certain point in a day if there was an announcement. So far, the first hour of the 3 hour window has not been the time frame. Thanks for any suggestions.

    • grandmaback says:

      The timing of the items in the curio shop is posted above the shop when it’s opened to show whats available. If a rare is posted it will be there for the whole three hours. Usually a rare is posted once a day but it can happen in any of the three hour offerings during that day. The rare that is offered is pretty random. Hope that helps. I too do not use social media!!!

  2. grandmaback says:

    I’m putting the map,dinosaur, rug and Egyptian hippo in my ancient ruins room. The claw game and memento in my game/craft room. The doll goes in the nursery. Clothes aren’t usually my thing but I love the host and hostess clothing in this collection. The bounce castle and fountain will be a little harder to place as are the many water items in the family score prizes. I my have to make a water park like I have in Classic.

  3. crystalfawns53 says:

    I’m not sure if I’m the only one experiencing this, but I have not been able to go mining in the mines for a week. Every single time I go to the mines, it says that I’m done digging and come back tomorrow, even though I haven’t even mined that day. This has happened to me for eight days straight and I’m a bit concerned that I won’t be able to complete all of the season missions because of this. Otherwise, my favorite prizes has got to be the T-Rex statue and the bouncy house.

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