DELUXE WEDNESDAY – Polka Dots everywhere!

Items shown above include the Polka Dot Cow‘s Special Item: Polka Dot Piano, the now available Polka Dot Bed, Cushioned Blanket Chest, Polka Dot Wallpaper and the Polka Dot Chair. Stay tuned for these items coming soon: Polka Dot Flooring, Polka Dot Aquarium and Polka Dot Window.

24 Responses to DELUXE WEDNESDAY – Polka Dots everywhere!

  1. Geotraxboy says:


  2. Ladykinz says:

    Wednesday Webkinz had a Polka dot laundry hamper in the Curio Shop. Wonder if Webkinz is going to get some of the theme?

  3. MyWebkinzRok says:

    Eh, tired of seeing TONS of pink room themes!! Why not blue???? :) I saw the pink polka dot laundry hamper in the curio shop the other day. I knew it was rare, but polka dots really aren’t my thing. ;) So this theme I’m heading towards a thumb down.

    *The Wolf and Pit Bull Lover*

  4. Sparkle Girl 1701 says:

    No way the polka dot room and the polka dot cow look so cute!

  5. Hermionerules12 says:

    I like the aquarium! So cool!

  6. Shay says:


  7. Agirl says:

    so cute! i totally am going to get it for my pet!

  8. Natasha says:

    I rather see it in green polka dots that would be cool.I wish cow was in plush and sweetheart monster.I love new bobcat thats pink.I would like to see a valentine room theme.Go webkinz.

  9. blahblah says:

    i agree. u can never have enough polka dots. in my opinion though, i dont like polka dots. the piano’s cute though. ♪♫♪ i love music. :lol: :D

    • Crazy gal says:

      I agree. you can never have too many polka dots. i love them. and u r right, starburst, ganz sure is loving polka dots. a whole polka dot theme, and 2 polka dotted pets!

      Crazy gal :mrgreen:

  10. Tiffany says:

    And, no, you can never have too much polka dots, in my opinion.


    • WebkinzWizard :) says:

      Very cute room theme! :- ) Wish it were in blue though. I’m not a big pink girl.
      I’m guessing that polka dots are the theme pets for this year like candy kinz was last year’s.

      The *~Webkinz Wizard~* :)

    • LemonCandy etc. says:

      they already showed this……..8-I and the polka dot cow is cute but not for me! sorry!

    • vaquitanine says:

      i think the theme and cow is cute.but i am not a really big fan of would be cool if the made a blue or purple polka dots theme.i would get it but i don`t have e-store.
      love peace and happinesss vaquitanine$*$*

      • System Of A Down Chick says:

        Grr. Why pink? I dislike pink a lot. Why can’t Ganz make a blue polka dot animal, or a purple one? It would be a lot better than pink. Although my favorite colors are black and red. It would be cool if Ganz made a black and red polka dot animal wouldn’t it? I find that to be cool.

        -SOAD Chick :!:

        • Chica Made says:

          Huh. Black and red? That sounds like an okay idea, but I mostly agree on the purple polka dot animal idea. Good thinking, SOAD Chick. ;) I wonder if Ganz would make a purple polka dot animal. Thta would be pretty cool. I’m not very big on purple, but it still sounds like a good idea. I don’t like the idea of the blue polka dot animal. Besides, blue is a sad color. How about Ganz makes a green polka dot animal? That would be awesome! Green is like my favorite color ever. My 2nd favorite is black. How about Ganz makes a green and black polka dot animal? That would be so awesome! If Ganz makes a pet like a green and black polka dot one, I’m SO buying it. No matter if it’s estore, or plush. I like your idea, SOAD Chick. Sounds awesome.

          ~Chica Made

    • starburst says:

      i wish i had estore, i love this theme! GANZ is sure loving polka dots!

    • dawndrop16 says:

      Wow, so many polka dots… It is a nice theme though. ;) ~*Dawn*~

    • coreyhungry says:

      true true I want the polka dot cow and the polka dot bob cat but i don’t do e-store :( I love green pink is meh but my whole room is pretty much pink it hasn’t been painted since i was 5 so…. but i’m pulling though

      and for those who wondered i’m a girl

      curiousity and wonders… that’s who I am
      p.s. I am the room designer over 60 rooms redone since 2007

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