Gargowl PSI & PSF concepts

Remember this winning Halloween Pet entry?


We are back to give you an update for the Gargowl’s Pet Specific Item and Food. Let us know what you think about the progress we are making in the comments below. Do you have any name suggestions? Let’s hear them!



The Webkinz Gargowl will land in the Ganz eStore on October 1st… just in time for Halloween! You’ll also be able to adopt this adorable owl in the PETS section of the W-Shop.

109 Responses to Gargowl PSI & PSF concepts

  1. iloveitso says:

    You could also call the PSI Gurgling Gargowl Fountain!

  2. iloveitso says:

    Or Gurgling Gargowl Fountain

  3. iloveitso says:

    Shish kabugs? Who could beat that!!!??? For the PSI i’m thinking… Creepy Critter Fountian! To go with the Shish Kabugs

  4. kaylaber says:

    I know i can’t beat shish kabugs, but i’m thinking “Eye of Newt fountain” to go with the buggy halloween theme

  5. hannahbennett says:

    i think the fountain should be fountain of dome and the food should be creepy crawly shish kabugs

  6. boatchick says:

    For the PSI, “Gurgling Gothic Fountian”. For the PSF, I love monkeyfun15′s suggestion, but I’d modify it to “Sweet-n-slimy Shish Kabugs”.

  7. maysiekay8 says:

    That fountain sorta reminds me of the fountain of youth or something. How about the fountain of hoots?

  8. LunaKnightJr says:

    The food creeps me out but you are doing great (too bad the zombie cat didn’t win)

  9. monkeyfun15 says:

    “Gooey Shish Kabugs”

  10. wilddfire says:

    the food.. call it creepy crawler., the fountain call it critter springs

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