Get ready to pamper your pets!

A sneak peek at the upcoming season.

Next Season is all about pets! We’ve designed a series of prizes for a lush pet lifestyle.
Pampered Pets celebrates as real pets with items such as a Wall Mounted Hamster Wheel and a Luxury Pet Tower —our first three-tiered bed!

And how cute will your pet look sporting this Luxury Pet Coat!

Pampered Pets begins November 2, 2023. Which of YOUR pets are you most excited to pamper?

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



12 Responses to Get ready to pamper your pets!

  1. memsrjoan says:

    I enjoyed doing the Haunted School theme. What I haven’t liked in the last couple of seasons is the Diamond Giftbox as the final prize. I haven’t liked the items I got so far. I would much rather play for a themed item at the end or diamonds.

  2. aml321 says:

    These are all amazing prizes! are they for everybody or just those with season pass?

  3. grandmaback says:

    I was able to finish the Haunted High easily even without the impossible point requirements of several games. I will buy again if you keep the present level of points. This theme looks very interesting. A suggestion, why don’t you have the free grand prize be a big box of diamonds so we can buy what we want? Random pieces of diamond furniture can be hard to place and might be duplicates.

    • thebluestar2126 says:

      I think when I clicked on the giftbox on the season prizes menu I think it said something about the items inside recycling for diamonds – maybe the intention is that we get a random item which we may like but if we don’t like it we recycle it and get a variable amount of diamonds from doing so? I agree though, just diamonds as diamonds would be better. I also agree on how much nicer the season experience is with the lowered point requirement!!

      • thebluestar2126 says:

        EDIT: I tried this when I got mine but it doesn’t let you sell it back. So I’m just stuck with an item which doesn’t fit any of my rooms. Definitiely would prefer extra diamonds instead or a ‘pick your own’ from a selection of diamond items box.

  4. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Ahhhhhh so cute I’m latterly so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. JadeSweetSummer3 says:


  6. sharon541 says:

    So excited for the new season. I just finished last season. First time I have been able to finish. That makes it more fun!

  7. megamom12 says:

    I was hoping for Spa items, but these are nice too. I may either re-arrange my current bathroom or even make an exercise room.

  8. fancyduck58 says:

    So cute! I love all 3 prizes, they are very unique and cool. I can’t wait to see the other prizes! :)

  9. BeezKneez says:

    Oh Wow – the Pet Tower, Exercise Wheel and Pet Coat are amazing prizes! This might be my favorite season yet – I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the prize group.

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