More Webkinz Room Designs!


Hey guys! Good news: We will be having the next Room Design Awards in June, and everyone featured today has the chance to become a finalist! If you’d like a shot at taking home the highly coveted Room Design Trophy, you’ll need to send me a screenshot of your Webkinz room. I will leave my email at the end of this post.


I have 25 room design to share, including a Victorian Walled Garden, Crystal Cave and a Hippo Museum… enjoy!




Miss my last room design post? CLICK HERE to see it now!


Congratulations to the designers featured today! If you would like the chance to become a Room Design Awards finalist, you must have a screenshot featured in one of these room design posts. Anyone can send me screenshots of their favorite Webkinz rooms. You can email them to… Good luck!


46 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. addictedtowebkinz says:

    Indoor Pool, Crystal Cave, Hippo Museum, and Spring Egg Painting are very clever!

  2. plentyofpenguins22 says:

    Thank you for featuring my Easter Bunny Eggstravaganza room! I had so much fun making it with the new Spring Celebration items.

  3. zeez02 says:

    Oh no, that “Sky Blue” by “Four Kids” was actually my entry for the sky blue room theme contest!! It wouldn’t let me enter it on the website so I emailed it. Oh well, I still really like having that room in my house :D Also, these are all so pretty! I love the hippo museum.

  4. Wingsfan65 says:

    Love them all esp. Gas Station Store by Kibarry73, Sky Blue by Fourkids and Indoor Pool by Ckimhappy which were really inspiring :)

  5. oudoll2 says:

    Amazing job everyone! I enjoy seeing everyone’s designs so much. Thanks for sharing!

  6. noodle21 says:

    Aw, really thought mine was going to be featured. Congrats to everyone though! They’re awesome.

  7. candyunicorn78 says:

    When it says who the room is by, is that their ganzworld username or their Webkinz username? I sent 2 rooms in a few months ago, but they haven’t been posted, and I think maybe it’s because I didn’t give you a username to put with it, but I wasn’t sure which one to use

  8. Serendipitydoda says:

    Hi! I’ve never thought about doing this before, but for some reason, suddenly feeling tempted. If I do decide to give it a try, not sure how to go about doing it. So, you do a screenshop. Do I save it on a file and email it over, or do I just paste it directly onto the email message area? And, judging by the room design pics, I suppose I have to have a name attached to it somewhere. Do I use the User Name I have on WKN or am I to use my WW User Name?

    • 73kibarry says:

      Go for it! I usually send it as an attachment, a screenshot, sometimes I also paste it in the body of the email and attach it. I put my room name in the title of the email and also in the body of the email with my webkinz user name. Sometimes rooms aren’t ever shown, sometimes it takes a few months. Good luck! :)

  9. kittly2008 says:

    Petite Café is gorgeous !

  10. Boneleg says:

    Oh that Hippo Museum is SO CUTE!!!!

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