Player Appreciation Day: February 17, 2019

Please note: this item will not be automatically added to your account when you log in. If you would like to claim this non-sellable, non-tradeable, non-sendable gift, go to Today’s Activities, which can be found in the Things To Do menu. Scroll down to find the the Player Appreciation Gift and click on it to have it added to your account. 

Valentine’s Day was amazing! But I’m already looking forward to celebrating the next holiday in Webkinz World – St. Patrick’s Day! So I feel lucky to be able to offer you a St. Patrick’s themed Player Appreciation Gift today – a Clover Rug from Ganz eStore. When you rotate this awesome Clover Rug in your pet’s room it displays different patterns.



This item is not tradeable, sendable or sellable. If you would like to add it to your Webkinz account, log in to (web only) today and visit Today’s Activities, which can be found in the Things To Do menu. Then click to collect your gift.


And be sure to check out all the cool St. Patrick’s themed items offered at Ganz eStore!




So fab. So fun.

42 Responses to Player Appreciation Day: February 17, 2019

  1. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Awesome! I love it! Green is one of my favorite colors, and this’ll be good for a grass patch on WW! Thank you so much, Sophie! For the next next(April, my birthday month) player appreciation day, you should give out an Amazing World item. It was my favorite Ganz game besides Nakamas and the older Webkinz World. =)

    • Powerann says:

      An item from Amazing World would be awesome, but if I recall correctly, Sophie’s campaign promise for the gifts we receive for Player Appreciation Day were all to be from the eStore.

  2. mamasbaby07 says:

    Thank you so very much Sophie… This is a great way to start up for St Patricks Day.. love it….

  3. Resonatingthunder says:

    Much appreciated that they decided to put it under today’s activities! I like the gift, but others may not want it, so you gave players a choice to collect it or not. :)

  4. eclipse07 says:

    Can someone explain why when I loged on it didn’t give me the rug?

    • Mandy Webkinz says:

      Hi eclipse07! To claim your prize, go to Today’s Activities, which can be found under the Things To Do menu. Then scroll down and click on the Player Appreciation Gift to have it added to your dock. Hope that helps! :)

    • BeezKneez says:

      Please read the above article – it clearly states that you have to visit Today’s Activities to get the rug.

  5. gabulka21 says:

    As adorable as the rug is, I clicked the link off todays activities but never received it :( I’m so sad

  6. frodo says:

    Don’t understand why anything is not tradeable especially something we win or buy. It should really be ours to do with once we own it. Love the prize tho thank you!

  7. kittzkatt says:

    Though this is a stunning prize, the fact that it’s not tradeable really takes some of the fun out of it. I will have some of these sitting on accounts unused – meanwhile my account that has several St. Patty’s rooms will only have the one. Seems silly. Might want to rethink this for future prizes.

    • kittzkatt says:

      On a side note – the chair that is part of the Valentine’s Day heart collection is SOOOOOOO CUTE!!! The webkin sits and reads in the chair, which is just TOO adorable. What a great design and a lovely piece of furniture besides. Thanks so much for this! It’s a lovely surprise I’ll be able to incorporate into many rooms. Now, back to collecting!!

    • Mandy Webkinz says:

      Thanks for the comment, kittzkatt! Sophie ran on a platform of offering eStore items as Player Appreciation gifts. EStore items are generally not sellable or tradeable. Because we realize some players would rather not add non-sellable, non-tradeable items to their accounts, we offered the option of NOT collecting the item by putting it under Today’s Activities. That way the choice is up to each player whether to claim this eStore item or not. Hope that helps! :)

      • xxmeagan says:

        Great idea Mandy and everyone on the Webkinz Team. I am making a room for St. Patrick’s day that this rug would look great in so i am definitely picking up this rug! Thanks for the awesome gift Sophie!

      • MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

        That’s a great idea! When will the option of selling Ganz eStore items to the W-Shop for eStore points happen?(Maybe half the price like they do for KinzCash. I bought a bunch of weird stuff when I was younger on WW, haha!) :)

      • kittzkatt says:

        Thank you for your response and the info Mandy. I do appreciate that it was optional to collect, but for me this rug was too cute to pass up on any account! You see, the problem really isn’t being stuck with a rug I don’t want- it’s that I want a bunch of them! So…I will simply have to tell my greedy self to be happy with one rug in my St. Patty’s rooms and as for the other accounts- I’ll just blame Sophie for now having to build green themed rooms so that I can use it everywhere. Something that could help that- how about a green clover theme in the Wshop? Neutral outdoor items that could be used in many ways in addition to solving this little “where to put the rug” problem? How’s that for demanding? Hehe. Anyway, thanks again Mandy. I really do appreciate your help.

  8. radish35 says:

    Thanks for the heads up about it being non-tradeable.

  9. oudoll2 says:

    Love it! Thank you!!

  10. Bubblilious1 says:

    Thank you so much for the clover rug. It looks great!

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