Shop for Your Growing Garden at the WShop!

Did you know? If you want to purchase crops for your garden, you don’t have to wait for the Farmer’s Market to open!

You can purchase Growing Gardens from the W Shop under Food. Each of these crops takes 4 days to harvest.

Once you’ve harvested your fruits and vegetables, you can sell them back to the W Shop or to Farmer Will at the Farmer’s Market. You can also feed them to your pet or use them in recipes.

You can harvest your growing plant 10 times. After your 10th time, your plant will disappear and you’ll receive dirt in your dock.

Dirt can be used to craft clay which can be used in crafting recipes.

Growing crops in Webkinz Next is a great way to make some Kinzcash and keep your pets healthy. Head to the WShop to start growing your garden today.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



25 Responses to Shop for Your Growing Garden at the WShop!

  1. ellen1970 says:

    I have a question about food for your pets – could Webkinz label the food for which animal it is in the Dock? I have to go to the W-Shop to find out whose food is who. Would be simpler if we could just click on the food in the dock.THX!

  2. LadyBeauty says:

    I have a question. Why is it, that if the crops take 4 days to be harvested, my crops actually take 6 days before I can harvest them? LadyBeauty

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