SNEAK PEEK: Player Appreciation Day!


This month’s Player Appreciation Day falls on March 16. That’s the day before St. Patrick’s Day, so I’ve invited the Leprechaun to help me show off the new Player Appreciation Gift – a beautiful Clover Mosaic Tile from Ganz eStore!

This item is not tradeable or sellable. If you would like to add it to your Webkinz account, log in to (web only) on March 16 and visit Today’s Activities, which can be found in the Things To Do menu. Then click to collect your gift.


And remember, you can find many more awesome St. Patrick’s themed items at Ganz eStore!


So fab. So fun.

24 Responses to SNEAK PEEK: Player Appreciation Day!

  1. tuxkitty1 says:

    Thank you Ganz and Sophie! Can’t wait to put that in my green room.

  2. nanamama12 says:

    Now I REALLY need to work on an official St. Patrick’s Day room for my pets!

  3. megamom12 says:

    (jaw drop) Thank you ever so much!

  4. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Oooh, this looks neat! Thanks, Sophie!

  5. lemony says:

    Very cool! Thank u!

  6. 7debbie7 says:

    So Pretty…Thanks Mayor Sophie!

  7. bonesbongo says:

    Mayor Sohpie thank you for the beautiful Clover Mosaic Tile. I have the perfect spot picked for this already, looking forward to get it. :}

  8. firstvisit says:

    I wish it was a clothing item but it`s still cool!

  9. opal13mlm says:

    I don’t really like the idea of not being able to trade or sell certain items. If someone later decides they don’t need or want the item then they are just stuck with clutter, which does NOT spark joy.

    • alucard says:

      I agree with you, opal13mlm! I wish they would change this silly policy! Makes NO sense!

      • Ellen1970 says:

        Me too I have so many things I do not like but am stuck with. I can’t even send them to friends who wants them!

        • alucard says:

          I really don’t understand why they won’t let us KinzPost them to each other. I understand (kind of) why they don’t want us to sell them or trade them in the Club House, but…why can’t we at least KinzPost them? If we don’t want an item that we can’t “sell/trade/mail”, we have to waste time calling Customer Service and asking for that item to be removed. Just doesn’t make sense to me! :-(

    • ringneck1 says:

      Yes! I don’t know if I even want to log in to receive it. Literally none of my rooms have a use for a item like this one.

  10. Chiny says:

    This Mosaic Tile is beautiful. The Webkinz designers really are talented and have been designing lots of nice tiles. Thanks!

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