Tropical Oasis Outfits

We dressed our pets in the Tropical Oasis fashions. We’re wondering what you think: Which of these pets wore each outfit best. Let us know in the comments!
Batik Dress, Tropical Slides and Woven Hat

Tropical Oasis Dress, Tropical Slides and Woven Hat

White Linen Pants, Relaxed Retreat Shirt, Tropical Slides and Woven Hat

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7 Responses to Tropical Oasis Outfits

  1. ginnylea says:

    BUNNY is so adorable and shows the outfit perfect

  2. raggedyann1968 says:

    I like the pink raccoon the best in the outfit!

  3. spotsofbeauty says:

    I would go with the right hand side of all three outfits. They all look good though.

  4. fancyduck58 says:

    I like the Tropical Oasis Dress, so I’m choosing the gray/blue puppy because the orange really pops with that color. But all of the pets look great! :)

  5. 100dogs says:

    This is off topic but does anyone know where the WackyER Zingo Hat is from. I got it in trade but have no idea where it’s from. I looked everywhere but all i found out is it was from a Wacky Zingoz Celebration but can’t find out what year it was from. Can someone help me?

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