Webkinz Blonde Labrador Unboxing Video!


We gave you a sneak peek at this pet in an earlier Webkinz Newz story, and now we’d like to present to you our newest Webkinz plush pet, the Blonde Labrador!


Check out this unboxing video, revealing the Blonde Labrador in action!



Never fear, the Blonde Labrador is here! This calm, confident pet makes sure to keep everyone safe, especially as they scan the crowd from their Lake Lifeguard Chair! But when they’re not on duty, you’re sure to find them enjoying a delicious serving of Golden Fish & Chips!


Here’s a look at the Blonde Labrador plush, along with all of the items you’ll get when adopting one:



Want a plush Blonde Labrador all your own? This and other Webkinz plush pets are now available for order directly from the Ganz eStore. You can also find the Blonde Labrador later in the month at our Amazon store!







What do YOU think of the Blonde Labrador? Let us know in the comments below!



122 Responses to Webkinz Blonde Labrador Unboxing Video!

  1. liz52004 says:

    my dog is half labrador and half poodle. he is a labradoodle.although we used to have a labrador

  2. birthdaynovember says:

    I WANT IT SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. birthdaynovember says:

    it is so CUTE!!!!!!

  4. LittlePie2003 says:


  5. Webkinz4321 says:

    super duper CUTE!!!!!!!! :D :D love it!!!!!!! if I can I will get as soon as I get the chance!

  6. petthepest says:

    I held one of these at a Hallmark store- it was so soft. The plush looks so much lighter than the virtual, though.

  7. animelover7644 says:

    Cute! But doesn’t the color of the stuffed animal differ from the online version a little? The stuffed animal looks whiter to me.

  8. Webkinzlover924 says:

    I love love love love! this dog i hope i can get it i’d name it hmm….. Honeycomb maybe or Lily hmm Sunny

  9. Racoon6000 says:

    They should do a white tailed squirrel. I saw one the other day. It is a very cute animal, but was also very strange. What do you guys think?

  10. JellybeanFox says:

    I’m gonna DIE if I don’t get this pet! it’s so cute! I’d either name it Trixie or Dixie.

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