Webkinz Next Common Gems Sheet Cheat for Your Week 3 Mining Task

Still searching for a Common Gem to sell to Amanda Panda in #WebkinzNext? If you haven’t finished your Week 3 task, use this cheat sheet while you’re in the mines to help you remember which gems are common.

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11 Responses to Webkinz Next Common Gems Sheet Cheat for Your Week 3 Mining Task

  1. megamom12 says:

    This is handy.

  2. CD75New says:

    Hi. I have been unable to access the gem mines for several months now. When I try, it always says that I am done digging. I have sent messages through the help center a few times already, but there has not been a response.

  3. Nickelcat says:

    This is very helpful, but what would be even more helpful would be a notation of the gem class while we are still in the mine before choosing which gem to keep. Can something like this be added, please?

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      I second this! I remember when mining on Next for the first time that I chose a common gem over a rare gem. Had I known back then what the rarity of each gem was off the bat, I would have probably chosen differently. I think that labels would also help for missions that require us to obtain/sell a gem of a certain rarity.

  4. mfaull says:

    Not too keen on encouraging cheating of any sort.

  5. kalcan8 says:

    Bookmarking this page! LOL! (I actually made a list in my Webkinz notebook when I first started playing Next, because I knew that I would never remember!)

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