Webkinz Room Designs – June 30, 2024


There will only be one more post until I announce the finalists for the next Room Design Awards! Anyone who has had a room featured since the last awards were held, has a chance to become a finalist!


In the meantime, I have twenty new rooms to share, including a Webkinz Campground, Area 51, and an elegant Wedding Banquet from Webkinz Next!



Congratulations to today’s designers! You each have the chance to become a finalist the next time we hold the Room Design Awards!


Miss my last post? CLICK HERE to see it now!


Anyone can send me a screenshot of their favorite Webkinz Next or Webkinz Classic room for the chance to be featured in a room design post. Just email it to letsbuild@ganz.com.


Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.



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10 Responses to Webkinz Room Designs – June 30, 2024

  1. jeep849105 says:

    Congrats to all and special shout out to my bff Mayzee, awesome artists room!

  2. serach says:

    I love morning harvest – so calm and thoughtful. Thank you for including my room. I’m definitely flattered to be included with this group of picks.

  3. Freedom2026 says:

    Congratulations to all the winners! Well deserved.

  4. shortordercook says:

    Great job everyone! My favorites are Dr. Quack’s Clinic and Morning Harvest.

  5. 2curly1 says:

    i adore morning harvest~! all are amazing!

  6. alucard says:

    All the rooms are outstanding, but I LOVE the “Area 51″ by Arbor the very best! Such a creative design! Love it! :-)

  7. unifreebee says:

    Wow awesome rooms!!!!!

  8. pinkiecupcake says:

    “Mother’s Day Before Time” is DARLING!!!!! And fantastic work with the detail! I love how both dinosaur/dragon items and reptilian pets were used to create the ultimate effect!

  9. catvoyager says:

    so excited to see mine (the tranquil treetop) :)) thank you! i love everyone else’s designs as well!

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