Webkinz Room Designs – October 14, 2023


I hope that everyone is having fun designing rooms with the new Spooky Campground and Werewolf room themes! Remember, the Werewolf room theme is available at the WShop on Webkinz Next, but you can send the items back to a linked Webkinz Classic account!


I have twenty more rooms to show you today, including Mini Kinzville, a Retro Rainbow Room and The Secret Garden:



Congratulations to today’s designers! You each have the chance to become a finalist the next time we hold the Room Design Awards!


Miss my last post? CLICK HERE to see it now!


Anyone can send me a screenshot of their favorite Webkinz Next or Webkinz Classic room for the chance to be featured in a room design post. Just email it to letsbuild@ganz.com.


Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.



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14 Responses to Webkinz Room Designs – October 14, 2023

  1. ImADogWhoLovesFish says:

    LOVE the retro rainbow room & city loft. And the cafe and pizza parlor. Giraffic Park, haha…

  2. luna085 says:

    How do you submit one? Or is it already over

  3. nanamama12 says:

    Two Forget Me Not rooms, and yet two very different styles. Like the same pattern in the hands of different quilters. I would never have thought of putting the Sunny pieces in and underwater room, but it’s really kind of nice. I really want to know how to get ahold of one of the Retro TV. Once again a nice use of the new dividers, plus the paint goes really well with the Retro colors! A personal Bouncy House in my bedroom? Yes, please! I’m also thinking, lunch at the Cafe, an afternoon at the Spa, and then dinner at the Pizza Parlor. Who’s with me?

  4. megamom12 says:

    There are some REALLY good ones in this batch! Picked up an idea or two myself! I have to say though, that Girrafic Park won my heart! Sound wordplay, plus sunflowers. That’s a winner right there!

  5. lucylane556 says:

    heh heh heh… Giraffic Park…

  6. kuddly15 says:

    Thank you for putting my room in finally. I worked hard on that room :)

  7. hiyou4877 says:

    So many fun designs! Like the creativity.

  8. lassok9 says:

    Great rooms, everyone! @astreich000 What’s the cave next to the cauldron in your Rocky Getaway?

  9. coolcattx says:

    Great job by everyone! My fave was the Kinzville Hotel – great use of the glass elevators with that wallpaper!

  10. iorekbyrnison says:

    So many creative ones here! I love Loraine’s Lair with the bright yellow showing up so well underwater!

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