Webkinz Trendz: March 14, 2020

More cool outfits this week, including some featuring Fashion Week pieces! I’m excited to see that a few of you were as drawn to the stunning Leopard Print Jacket as I was! It’s another fan-designed piece, this time by Katara12!


And I’m excited to announce that among this week’s submissions is Moonkey1115′s pet dressed as the Water Bearer in the Glimmering Waterfall Gown designed by… Moonkey1115!!! How cool is that?




Missed the last Trendz? You can check it out here.


Want to send me one of YOUR pet’s outfits? Take a screenshot of your pet in the ‘Dress Your Pet’ window and send it, along with your username, to webkinztrendz@ganz.com

12 Responses to Webkinz Trendz: March 14, 2020

  1. Dmeosi says:

    Hi I know this is off-topic but is there like a forum/thread somewhere where people drop their Webkinz usernames if they want friends to help them complete challenges and stuff? Just recently got back into Webkinz and need more active friends :) -GracieLucyCat

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