Author Archives: Ganz eStore
A New Dino in town! The T-Rex Roars it’s Way into Webkinz World!

You may find the Webkinz T-Rex and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Now boarding… new Deluxe Wednesday Airport Theme items!

Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport! Since your pet is always the most precious cargo, why not pick up a Cargo Plane that is just for them? They’ll definitely look cool cruising low around their rooms in this fun flyer! Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in June! WebkinzAirborne Puppy CargoPlane RetroPlane Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else! You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Is your Webkinz ready for Father’s Day?

Celebrate Father’s Day with these ultra cool items for Dad! The Webkinz Rockerz Puppy is one rockin’ puppy! Comes with a Backstage Pass and one VIP Backstage Pass that can be redeemed for an Exclusive Rockerz themed item! Watch the Tornado of Ties tie rack take a spin and end up twisted into knots! Don’t worry though; just one more click is all that’s needed to get these ties untied! You never know what you’ll hear each time your pet sits down on the ultra silly Noisy Cushion Chair! You won’t have to worry about anything rude—this chair will just make for a lot of laughs WebkinzRockerz Puppy Tornadoof Ties Noisy CushionChair You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
As requested by YOU! New Fan’s Choice item: Spaghetti Twirler

As requested BY YOU!New Fan’s Choice item now available: Spaghetti Twirler! Watch the spaghetti get twirled around faster and faster on this spinning fork! If you have a passion for pasta, team this item up with a Meatball Launcher! You may find a new Fan’s Choice item each month at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Celebrate Deluxe Advantage with new June items!

Relaxation is only a cruise ship ride away… Read more
Now boarding… new Deluxe Wednesday Airport Theme items!
Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport! If you’re looking for a place to park your planes, then pick up this hanger that can hold a lot more than it looks! Once your pet is finished flying, just open it up and store away your plane until the next flight! Your airport just wouldn’t be complete without a runway for all of your planes to taxi along! The runway is where all great trips begin! Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in June! COMING SOON!Airborne Puppy Kinz AirHangar Storage AirportRunway Tile Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else! You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Take flight this Deluxe Wednesday with NEW Airport Theme items!

Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport! Before setting themselves up on the control tower, make sure you have your pet dress the part with this awesome outfit! The headphones and jacket in this clothing set will ensure that your pet looks professional at all times. If you have a pet with a grumbly tummy before the flight, get them a great gummy snack from this vending machine! You can get one Gummy Luggage from this vending machine each day! Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in May and June! COMING SOON!Airborne Puppy Air TrafficController Outfit Kinz AirVending Machine Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else! You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
JUST FOR MOM for Mother’s Day!

Celebrate Mother’s Day with spectacular items made with MOM in mind! Every nursery needs a quiet place for pets to go and enjoy a little story time! The Reading Nursery Nook is just the thing! Just make sure that it’s only the little ones who nod off while relaxing in this chair! Also available for Mother’s Day: Day OffBreakfast Machine Family TogetherTopiary Mother’s DayGetaway You may find these items and much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Build your own fairytale room! New item available: Glass Slipper Slide

Once upon a time…New Build A Fairy Tale item now available: Glass Slipper Slide! This slipper will always fit your pet– as long as they’re looking to have some fun! Just don’t ask your pet to heel when they’re sliding down this giant shoe! You may find a new Build A Fairy Tale item each month at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
Now boarding… new Deluxe Wednesday Airport Theme items!

Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport! Complete the look of your airport lounge with the colorful carpeted Kinz Air Flooring! Your pet will feel like they are only a short flight away from somewhere fantastic! Why walk around your airport lounge when you can ride along in comfort on the motorized Kinz Air Moving Sidewalk? Pick up a whole line of these to help your pets get to their gates on time. Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in May and June! WebkinzWinged Tiger Kinz AirFlooring Kinz AirMoving Sidewalk Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else! You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!