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Webkinz World Update: Update your Webkinz World!
Have you seen this screen? You may notice that the login button has been replaced by a download button. Due to some changes that were recently made in Webkinz World, your computer might need to be updated. Don’t worry though it’s easy! Just click the download button and follow the steps provided! Soon enough you’ll be back in Webkinz World!
Buy a Webkinz T-Shirt and add a Webkinz Halloween Plush Pet for $5!
Do you like Halloween? Webkinz Plush Pets? Webkinz T-Shirts? Wow, do we have a promotion for you!! Starting from Wednesday September 29, 2010 until Sunday October 17, 2010 for each Webkinz T-Shirt you design and purchase at Ganz eStore you can add one of two very cute Halloween Webkinz Plush Pets for only $5.00 extra*! You can choose between Bat or Black Cat. Order by October 17, 2010 to ensure delivery before Halloween!! Create your Webkinz T-Shirt by choosing from many colors, pets, characters and symbols! Plus NEW Halloween symbols have just been added, so start creating your design today! Please note: T-Shirt prices vary based on the color of shirt you select: White T-Shirts: $15.95 Light Color T-Shirts (Sport Grey, Sand, Daisy, Pale Pink, and Light Blue): $21.95 Dark Color T-Shirts (Orange, Red, Kelly Green, Royal Blue, Navy, Purple, and Black): $24.95 * T-Shirt Promotion is open to residents of Canada and United States from 12:01am September 29, 2010 to October 17, 2010 11:59pm EST. Special promo pricing applies only to Webkinz plush pets purchased in combination with customized Webkinz T-Shirts. For every T-Shirt you order, you can add one Plush Pet per T-Shirt purchased at a discounted price … Read more
2010 Webkinz Van Tour Comes to the Finish Line
We’re Packing It Up! Tomorrow, Sept. 30, the Webkinz Van Tour will be arriving in Orlando, Florida for the last stop of 2010. We’d like to thank the tens of thousands of great Webkinz fans who came out, had fun playing our crazy games, singing and dancing to Hug a Pug, and winning lots of prizes. A special shout-out to all of the fans who drove a long way to attend one of our events. With the overwhelming success of the Van Tour, we are already planning towards 2011. Our goal will be to visit more cities and towns in more states so even more of our fans can get in on the fun.
MAZIN’ Hamsters Update: New Speedy Scurry Maze Set
MAZIN’™ Hamsters New Maze Set – “Speedy Scurry” If you’ve been loving our latest maze sets, run on over and check out our latest easy Beat the Clock set, “Speedy Scurry”! The 6 mazes in this set will get both your Hamster and your heart racing as you work your way towards earning the trophy! Go MAZIN’ today! Find the flags within five different mazes, completely made up of the new hedge maze rooms, to win the trophy!
It’s a MAZIN’ Hamster Party!
On Oct. 1, 2010, get ready because the MAZIN’ Hamsters are jumping out of their mazes and into Kinzville! That’s right! Now when you register a MAZIN’ Hamster feature code, you’ll be able to play with your hamster in your room, the park or the Clubhouse! They can be fed, dressed, and can enter into competitions at the Webkinz Stadium! Already have some hamsters? That’s fine! We’ll be unlocking this great feature for you as well. There is nothing you need to do. Note that MAZIN’ Hamsters are not regular Webkinz pets. They do not receive exclusive items and do not count towards your pet total. They also cannot be used to open a Webkinz account. You’ll still need a Webkinz pet to do that. If you haven’t tried MAZIN’ Hamsters yet, this is the perfect time to get in on the fun! You can run through crazy mazes, make Moolah, or play in your room with friends! It’s just another great reason to GO MAZIN’!
Get Hoppy this Webkinz Wednesday!
The Jackalope is a happy-go-lucky troublemaker that always has a smile from ear to ear, or is it antler to antler? That’s right, the Jackalope is the only rabbit you’ll ever see with antlers! This fluffy fiend loves to eat Folklore Smores and cause hijinks in the Tall Tails Forest. Available this Webkinz Wednesday, September 29, 2010 only at Ganz eStore! This pet and many more all exclusively available at Ganz eStore!
October First of Month Specials Reminder
Trick or Treat? Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with First of the Month specials! October is nearly upon us, and we’ll be celebrating the new month with some great specials!! How it works: On the first of every month there will be a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer* Promotion 1. Check your eStore Account for your monthly deposit of eStore Points 2. Check Ganz eStore for all the cool stuff available just for Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers 3. Figure out what you want to spend your monthly Points on! 4. Have fun with your new Online Items and Pets! * To learn more about Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer benefits, please click here. Here’s some of the specials** you’ll find at Ganz eStore under the “First Of Month Specials” section: Deluxe Advantage “Get It First” Pre-Sale: Dire Wolf – NOW with 100% MORE SPOOKY!! Deluxe Advantage “Get It First” Pre-Sale: Spooky Skeleton Sketch Deluxe Advantage Exclusive item: Wishing Well Spell NOT A MEMBER YET? THERE’S STILL TIME! SIGN UP AS A DELUXE MEMBER ON OR BEFORE 11:59pm EST SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE SPECIALS! Check back at eStore October 1st, 2010 for even more value … Read more
Success: Communal Contest
Congratulations to everyone that participated in last weekend’s challenge! Thanks to your hard work, you’ve helped unlock the prize. Be sure to visit the Kinzville Times to collect it and vote for next weekend’s prize. Want to know what next weekend’s challenge is going to be? Be sure to visit Webkinz Newz on Thursday for a sneak peek.
Zum Writing Contest Winners
Congratulations to Ashley, Ashley, Amy, Elijah and Heather. Their entries have been selected as the winners of the recent Zum writing contest. We wanted to know why they were the best babysitters. Read their responses on the Winners page. Each winner has been sent a Feature Code for a “Zike” Sweet Zum.
Prize Sneak Peek: Communal Contest
Here’s an early look at the prizes you’ll be able to vote for in next week’s Communal Contest: Pretty in the City Panel Painting Deep Sea Dresser Princess Couch Car Hood Stove This weekend’s contest isn’t over yet! If you haven’t entered yet, visit the Kinzville Times in Webkinz World and click on Communal Contest in the index. Then, click Enter and head on over to the Arcade to play some Zingoz Pop!
Last Chance for Introductory Pricing on Deluxe Room Suites
INTRODUCTORY PRICING EXTENDED ONE MORE DAY! Available exclusively to deluxe members, featuring reduced introductory pricing and exclusive items you can’t get anywhere else, Golden Suite themes are the perfect match for pets with sophisticated tastes! While most pieces of the Golden Suite theme will be available on select days, a few pieces will remain exclusive and not be offered individually. Go ahead, spoil your pet with these gorgeous Deluxe Room Themes! New pricing will be in effect 12:01am September 27, 2010 EST.
Get Wacky with the NEW Gum Fall Slide!
Send your pet’s room into the cosmos with Alyssa’s Star Challenge Wallpaper! This wallpaper is beloved by pets with a passion for star gazing. The latest Wacky Webkinz World item is the Gum Fall Slide. This sweet and winding ride is part gumball and part slide! Your pet might just slide into a sugar rush! Enjoy a NEW Wacky Webkinz World item every month – the Gum Fall Slide is available in both Webkinz and Ganz eStores. Visit either Webkinz eStore or Ganz eStore for these items and many more!
Coming Soon: October “First of Month” Specials
Trick or Treat? Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with First of the Month specials! October is nearly upon us, and we’ll be celebrating the new month with some great specials!! How it works: On the first of every month there will be a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer* Promotion 1. Check your eStore Account for your monthly deposit of eStore Points 2. Check Ganz eStore for all the cool stuff available just for Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers 3. Figure out what you want to spend your monthly Points on! 4. Have fun with your new Online Items and Pets! * To learn more about Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer benefits, please click here. Here’s some of the specials** you’ll find at Ganz eStore under the “First Of Month Specials” section: Deluxe Advantage “Get It First” Pre-Sale: Dire Wolf, Spooky Skeleton Sketch Deluxe Advantage Exclusive item: Wishing Well Spell NOT A MEMBER YET? THERE’S STILL TIME! SIGN UP AS A DELUXE MEMBER ON OR BEFORE 11:59pm EST SEPTEMBER 30, 2010 TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE SPECIALS! Check back at eStore October 1st, 2010 for even more value packed specials! ** 12:01am Friday October 1, 2010 to 11:59pm Sunday October … Read more
NEW Webkinz Pet of the Month Video: I DREAM IN PINK
October’s Pet Of The Month Video now released! Move over Persian Cat…the Pink Poodle is October’s Pet Of The Month. Adopt the Pink Poodle within the month of October to get a Pet Of The Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a surprise you can’t get anywhere else. After you adopt the Pet Of The Month, you can download the MP3 of the song from Music Starz, the Webkinz Music Hall of Fame, within Webkinz World! Be sure to also check out the new Pet of the Month video: I Dream in Pink! Watch the video closely for these cool new items, available for purchase at either Webkinz or Ganz eStore: Prettier in Pink Gown Fair Weather Feather Hat Pink Poodle Shoes Pink Music Notes Magical Magenta Tree Dream in Pink Piano COMING SOON: Won’t Sink Pink Boat GREAT VALUE! – I Dream in Pink Value Pack (contains one each of the following: Prettier in Pink Gown, Won’t Sink Pink Boat, Pink Music Notes, Magical Magenta Tree plus the added bonus of the I Dream in Pink Album Cover) Watch “I Dream in Pink” today!
Weekend Round-Up
Be sure to play Tropical Troubles this weekend and work towards the goal of 150,400,000 points! Meet the goal, and all participants will unlock a Webbed Rope Hammock! If you voted earlier this week, you’re already entered. If you didn’t vote, visit the Kinzville Times in Webkinz World and click on “Communal Contest” in the index, then click Enter. What happened to the Jackalope on the first day of school? Tell us and you could win an eStore exclusive Jackalope! Check the Contests page for more details. Watch for the flying Sweet Zum for a chance to win either a Chocolate Zum Candy, or, more rarely, a “Zilma” Sweet Zum! Fall Festival Update: Leaves should be appearing more frequently now and will also be falling all day on Sunday, September 26th.