Coming Soon: Cheeky Bunny

You’ll be ready to hop into spring with the Cheeky Bunny, arriving this January.

104 Responses to Coming Soon: Cheeky Bunny

  1. taniacool says:

    They made a cheeky dog,cat,and monkey and now a cheeky bunny it’s so cute :)

  2. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    I think it looks cute! But,all the time the cheeky pets come out, the plush looks cute while on the web it looks pretty ugly.

  3. chickenpotpie45 says:

    OH MY GOODNESS! So cute!

  4. cutebabycat says:


  5. zoraice says:

    so cute!!!!! I love all webkinz, realistic or non realistic, I think they are very colorful and cute

  6. Linda says:

    I wish they were going to release it in january, like expected, but sadly, it is being released in february. now all the cheeky fans will have to wait another month for this adorable and exciting webkinz pet. It has been over a year since the last cheeky pet was released, and we still have to wait one more month? it is just sad. But, ya know, it will come out, so thats good, right? good thing they just didnt cancel this webkinz release! YAY

  7. RAchie And KYKY says:

    its so cute!

  8. RAchie And KYKY says:

    Awww so cute

  9. peter4 says:

    i like this bunny. It’s cute and goes well w/ the other pink cheeky animals. too bad the others are retired : (

  10. daisi says:

    Hey has anybody noticed that every cheeky animal except for the Sterling Cheeky cat and the sugarplum cheeky monkey are retired?

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