Roberta’s Craft: Craft Stick Easel



Today’s craft is totally fun and adorable. And easy! You’ll be able to create your own little art gallery if you make a bunch! Here’s what you need to make your own craft stick easel:


Small cardstock triangle, three big craft sticks, one small craft stick, craft glue, cardstock rectangle (this will be your canvas), larger rectangle with the middle cut out (this will be your frame)


What you do:

  1. Glue the three craft sticks to the cardstock triangle, one overlapping each corner. Let the glue dry.
  2. When the glue is dry, bring one craft stick back (this is what props the easel up) and leave the other two at the front.
  3. There’s your basic easel! Now glue on the smaller craft stick so it can hold your canvas and frame in place.
  4. Cut out a rectangle from white cardstock. This is your canvas. Draw a picture on your canvas and glue a frame on.
  5. You can make as many easels as you like. You can paint your easel before you put a picture on it, if you like!

28 Responses to Roberta’s Craft: Craft Stick Easel

  1. Cloverpuppy4047 says:

    How cute! What a great idea! Your friend, cloverpuppy4047 XD

  2. lovepuppygirl says:

    It`s webkinz size!!!!!! Very neat.

  3. BuffaloGirl14075 says:

    I could even use these easels to display some of my favorite photos. Thank you, Roberta, for another great craft idea.

  4. Gabriella♥ says:

    I might make this, it’s easy and it looks fun! Besides, it would be sweet if I can make a gallery for my Webkinz out of this! ♥

  5. CoconutCloud says:

    How cute! I think it’s really cute, and would go well on my display case if I can make a gallery out of this! ~CC~

  6. Skiddly says:

    How cute! I love art (mostly sketching) so maybe I’ll make this!

    • ☊FunkinessCraze☮ says:

      @Skiddly, I love art too :) I’m taking advanced art class next year! Crazed Always, ☊FunkinessCraze☮

    • random says:

      @Skiddly, i think it’s cute too! and i also like to sketch, but painting and pottery r my fave types of art. -random

    • Strawberry Starburst says:

      Me 2 Skiddly. Next year I’m going 2 a famous school 4 Visual Arts(drawing). It’s hard 2 get in so I consider it an big accomplishment(only 50 people made it out of 600 people who tryed out.) I’ll make this! It would be cute. I would tie it 2 a string & hang it from my bedroom ceiling. $Strawberry out$

  7. ☊FunkCraze☮ says:

    @lovebugs131, I probably won’t be making it either. Crazed Always, ☊FunkCraze☮

  8. lovebugs131 says:

    cool, but I won’t be making this one.

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