The Spook-tacular KinzPost Office

Hailey here with our latest decorating challenge: to make the KinzPost Office look fabulous for Halloween!

Now you’re probably wondering if that’s even possible. Post offices aren’t exactly the most exciting places.

Until now!

Elwin and I went all out for this seasonal update. We added some wonderful glowing green stone walls, some cool stone flooring, and some black and white countertops. We threw in a very spooky desk, and a lime green chair to complement it. My favorite thing of all? The candlestick, of course!

What do you think of the KinzPost Office now, friends?

28 Responses to The Spook-tacular KinzPost Office

  1. stripesnclaws says:

    i’m going to be a zombie-vampire for Halloween, and i’m going treating with friends!!!! :)!!!

  2. FrancescosFriend says:

    While Christmas is my fave holiday, I love Halloween, too! I just love coming up with epic costumes and eating tons of candy and carving pumpkins! I’m probably going to be a Pirate Veggie this year (ah… it’s hard to explain… 8D), but if I could, I’d want to be Merida from Brave! Yeahyeah! Anyway, nice job, Hailey and Elwin!

  3. Gretzie says:

    Awesome room~! Iwas a bumble bee last year & a lady bug the year before that, so maybe this year I’ll be a butterfly!

  4. Star Gazer 2003 says:

    I dont like halloween are candy that much.Chocalate gives me headches.Im 26 years old.

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