Create a Citrusy Summer room this July!


July Special: Summer Citrus ?? Box
All items inside ?? Boxes are sellable/tradeable in Webkinz World!


Brighten up your summer with something sensational found inside this bountiful box! The sight of citrus is always splendid!


You may find the Summer Citrus ?? Box and other July Specials at eStore starting July 1, 2024!


11 Responses to Create a Citrusy Summer room this July!

  1. gadsfavs1 says:

    This theme is cute, but the boxes are pretty much a waste of money. I bought 10 boxes and got 5 hampers. It’s a way to keep people coming back to spend more money trying to get what they want.

  2. gemrysforest says:

    My question is citrus-theme adjacent, about those citrus plushies all over the room. Will there be codes for those? How soon will there be codes for those? Please say there will be codes for those in all the ways they are shown, individual and separate, and that they will eventually be joined by their not-pictured but clearly needs to exist, best friend Lime? And okay, also maybe as pet buddies, too.

  3. 1peterpan says:

    We LOVE this theme! Yesterday my little one got to choose whatever she wanted from saving her money for yup Webkinz. She picked the Summer Citrus boxes, 10 to be exact. She was in tears with 4 duplicates of one item and 3 of another. Yes Mom sent an email. Ganz please help in eliminating sooooo many duplicates! ty

    • lakevillegrandma says:

      How sad for your little one to save up her money and get so many duplicates! That’s frustrating for an adult, so I can only imagine how a child feels. I hope she gets more happiness from her future purchases!

    • NanaZaza says:

      I feel the same way your little one feels and I’m in my 70′s! Got hampers and rugs, and 1 chair. There’s got to be an algorithm somewhere to prevent this!

  4. pittiesrule says:

    I would love to get this theme.

  5. mfaull says:

    Love that wallpaper!

  6. KarenaJ says:

    This is off topic, but fyi, I did not receive the Spree one piece clothing item today, instead, I got the same shorts as yesterday.

    • lakevillegrandma says:

      The same thing happened to me! I hope they correct it and give it all of us sometime later.

    • nicetigress says:

      KarenaJ, That happened to me, too. For me, I am glad I got another pair of those swim shorts (Sunrise Swim Trunks) because I love them! I understand wanting to get something different, though.

  7. princess248 says:

    this set is so cute but i got 8 clothes hampers lol

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