Design with Pretty Monarch Butterflies this June!

June Special: Monarch Butterfly ?? Box!
All items inside ?? Boxes are sellable/tradeable in Webkinz World!


It’s no mystery that you’ll find something sensational inside the Monarch Butterfly ?? Box! Any piece from the Monarch Butterfly mini-theme is sure to be truly treasured!


Your pet will fall fast asleep atop the silky wings of the Monarch Butterfly Bed! They’ll awake feeling fully refreshed from dreams of flying aloft in the spring breeze!


The unique design of the Monarch Chair is sure to set flight to any creative designer’s imagination! It’s quite colorful and very comfortable!


Softly step over the colorful Monarch Rug! It’s a precious plush accent for any room!


The wonderful winged Monarch Window always presents a pleasant view! Its organic style is a designer’s delight!


Your pet is sure to feel stunning each time they gaze into the Monarch Vanity’s marvelous mirror! The perfect way to start the day!


The gorgeous Monarch Stained Glass Divider is sure to give your pets some much-needed privacy! Perfect for providing some personal space!


You may find the Monarch Butterfly ?? Box and other June Specials at eStore starting June 1, 2020!



35 Responses to Design with Pretty Monarch Butterflies this June!

  1. fans44 says:

    I have been getting all sdividers and I want the bed, window, vanity and rug. Is there a way I could exchange some of the screens, to get other items? I have spent too much money. Why can’t you put some of these so we can use kinzcash?

  2. sarajayhawk says:

    I got the divider!

  3. shamshe says:

    Test: CHAR(1234)

  4. 2diamonds12 says:

    I agree about the mystery boxes. I used my valuable estore points to get one, to be disappointed because I had really wanted the window and got the vanity.9delicious12 >..<

  5. Beckinz8 says:

    I have a question about the new Monarch Butterfly webbie. Does it have four legs or six? I only see four in the picture above, but as the butterfly is sitting, I kind of hoped that two of it’s legs were hidden. Anyone in the know, please let me know. Thanks!

  6. frogmom says:

    very,very pretty. too bad ?? boxes

  7. firstvisit says:

    I understand that for so many Webkinz things/pets you need to have estore points but for all the people who can`t spend real money on points I think there should be a few new room themes/other items available in the W shop that you can get for Kinzcash.

    • malunatic says:

      agreed :)

    • Beckinz8 says:

      I know that it may not seem like sound business advice, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if for every 10 new items that come out in the estore, there would be 1 new item in the Wshop for KC? Or even 20 to 1? Maybe the design team could consider some kind of fair ratio/distribution. Food for thought…

      • megamom12 says:

        Something to think about. Also, the prices for some of the theme items have been a bit steep. Fortunately coupons help with that. Most of us are kids and old people GANZ! Have a heart! (well, a bigger one….you’ve been so kind to all of us during the quarantine. <3!)

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