New Sophie’s Rewards for 2024!

What is Sophie’s Rewards?

Sophie’s Rewards is a program that rewards you for making credit card purchases at Ganz eStore! It’s our way to say thank you and award our customers with cool items and even a super-rare eStore Signature pet! With four different tiers and a whole year to accumulate your spending, we hope you enjoy the rewards!



To learn all the details about this exciting program, please visit the Rewards Program Explained page on Ganz eStore:


9 Responses to New Sophie’s Rewards for 2024!

  1. kellyld159 says:

    The Signature Kermode Bear is adorable! I wish there were a signature plush pet of this bear!

  2. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    waaaaaaaa why so expensive ;-; love thecafe :sobbing:

  3. megamom12 says:

    These are fun!

  4. patchts says:

    I have been on tear 1 for a wile how do I level up on the Rewards?

  5. pittiesrule says:

    I wish that I could get the bear & the outfit.

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