The 2024 Cyber Thursday Sale is On Now at the Ganz eStore!

Did you know that there are amazing deals happening,
over at the eStore right now — June 6, 2024?


If you’ve had your eye on some great eStore swag, head over to Ganz eStore to learn more and swipe up some awesome deals!


Like great Pet deals or great item deals!!




You may find these Cyber Thursday deals and more at both W-Shop and Ganz eStore!


12 Responses to The 2024 Cyber Thursday Sale is On Now at the Ganz eStore!

  1. lakevillegrandma says:

    Anyone else unable to get into the eStore tonight (Thursday night)? I was able to get there through this link around 7, but it kept going to an empty page at around 10:50. I even tried getting there from the link on the very bottom of the page and nothing happened.

  2. family2904 says:

    Items at the eStore need better descriptions. I cannot tell if any of the items are animated or just decorative. For example, do all the pianos play a tune or are they decorative. I have some in Webkinz Classic that play tunes and some that are just for decor, but when I got them in Webkinz Classic, I knew if they did or not. There are other items that need better descriptions, as well.

  3. jackieeh8 says:

    Why is the Estore website so slow, it takes forever to load a page. It took ages just to log in.

    • family2904 says:

      That always bothers me, too. I cannot understand why the site runs so horribly slow and if you go back, it takes you all the way back to page 1. There were 50 pages of items at 50% off. I am NOT going to go through all of those. There is no organization to them, either. They should have been separated into themes or something. And, evey time you look at 1 thing, and go back, it takes you back to page 1. I hate it. So, I didn’t buy ANY items at all, just some pets.

    • puppygirls404 says:

      Same here. The website was so slow that I wasn’t even able to get the Customer Appreciation gift today. :( It always does this for me anymore anytime there’s a big sale or free item. It does it on every browser I try it on too. I was looking forward to the grandma dress because I thought it was super cute, a whole lot cuter than the wig from last month lol.

      • puppygirls404 says:

        The site was super slow and it kept on giving me an error everytime I tried to log into my account and then once I was in my account, I was unable to add anything into my cart.

  4. dawnshome says:

    The sale must be popular, the website is going very slowly!

  5. bear10201 says:

    I started the process of purchasing the 130,000 points. The ad shows you get 4 mystery boxes. In the process of purchasing the points it only says 1. I did not purchase as the ad says 4 boxes with purchase. Which is correct??

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