The Valentine Wacky Lantern is a Perfect Companion!

If your pet is feeling a little lost in love, help light the way with Valentine Wacky Lanterns! It’s sure to brighten their day!


Makes a great companion to the Pink Gummy Puppy Tree!


You may find a new Candy Tree tie-in item each month at eStore!


17 Responses to The Valentine Wacky Lantern is a Perfect Companion!

  1. KSC says:

    What an adorable lantern!

  2. ojibwa says:

    Oh my gosh these are TOO cute! Gotta have one!

  3. nanamama12 says:

    These are so cute!

  4. mfaull says:

    These are adorable!

  5. arixanna says:

    someone send me anything lol i’ll love u forever arixo

  6. lassok9 says:

    Could someone please send me the Deluxe items for the 2020 Winter Clothing Line? My username is eskiboy.

  7. sosotto says:

    Hi frozenanna2! Would you like to meet in the clubhouse on Feb 15? I would love to see you!! also it says that my comment had been posted But sometimes they are gone I’m sure if people can see them? maybe they can, but if you see this I would love to see you!!!!

  8. frozenanna2 says:

    I WANT ONE!!!

  9. Ruby09 says:

    This is so cute!

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