This topic contains 13,845 replies, has 391 voices, and was last updated by Pearl757 1 day, 1 hour ago.
February 24, 2014 at 2:26 pm #858303
January 23, 2025 at 9:01 am #2648736
Hi, I am looking for 14 Skating Rink Floor Tiles. that you were able to make by collecting The Holiday Bake Sale baked goods. The recipes required a Gingerbread Elf Cookie, a Gingerbread Reindeer Cookie, and a Stocking Sugar Cookie. You could also obtain them by Winterfest in the years 2017, 2018, and 2022. Unfortunately, no one can make this recipe anymore as they replaced it with the Christmas place setting in December. which I understand as the recipe is quite old. If anyone is interested in trading some, please let me know. My username is webkinzaquacat. Have a nice day.
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January 23, 2025 at 11:57 am #2648762
Hi webkinzaquacat, I have literally one skating rink floor tile in my whole house and 2 skating rink edge pieces if you need those as well. I am more than happy to trade just the tile or all 3 items. I’m looking for old gingerbread houses (2009-2019), the classic Christmas tree, santakinz side tables, santakinz helper workbench, any retired exclusive items, and the rescue team ATV (from the winterfest cookies). If you are unwilling/do have these items send me a list of items you are willing to trade as I am very flexible :) – hope to hear from you soon, hammeat
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January 23, 2025 at 4:49 pm #2648872
Hi, hammeat, I only need the skating rink floor tiles, and unfortunately, I do not have any old gingerbread houses or the following items you have listed. I only have a couple of retired exclusive items, although they are not for trade. Here is a list of items that are for trade:
Christmas Treats Coffee Table,
Classic Car,
Countryside Christmas Cottage,
CampKinz Infirmary,
Kinzville Hot Dog Cart,
Dex Dangerous Skateboard,
Dex Dangerous Sleeping Bag,
Food Truck,
Freaky Forest Cave,
Goo-Goo Berry Sleeping Bag,
Goo-Goo Berry Scooter,
Ice Cream Sundae Cottage,
Kinzville Hot Dog Cart,
Polarberry Scooter,
Polarberry Snowboard,
Phantom Toll Bridge,
Trick or Treat Street Mailbox,
Trick or Treat Street Hedge,
Wacky Go-Kart,
Wacky Bumper Car,
Wacky Ice Cream Truck Fridge,You must be logged in to reply to this topic.-
January 27, 2025 at 10:02 am #2649312
Hi again, sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I do have every one of those items already and I don’t need any extras but thank you for taking the time to type out a list I appreciate it! Good luck with your trading, hope you get all your tiles! :)
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January 28, 2025 at 11:08 am #2649516
Hi, hammeat. No worries. I understand. Thank you for the reply. I appreciate you telling me. Hope you have a great afternoon.
January 24, 2025 at 10:19 am #2649188
Hi webkinzsunfox! I’ve got 6 additional skating tile pieces that I can send you. I already have a decent sized skating rank in my house and the tiles have been hanging out in my dock for awhile now. Let me know if your interested in these and we can come up with a fair trade. My UN is Clearcreek6. I also know you mentioned you dont need siding but if anybody else on here does, I’ve got 3.
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January 27, 2025 at 10:02 am #2649308
Hi, clearcreek6. Thank you for this generous offer. I’m interested in your proposition. Is there anything you are looking for or wanting?
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January 27, 2025 at 1:45 pm #2649386
Hi webkinzsunfox! If It’s still available for trade, I would like to exchange the tiles for your CampKinz Infirmary. This isn’t on your list but I’ve also been looking around for the Regancy chairs currently on the Deluxe wheel. If you have extras of those that you’re willing to share, those would be great as well. Thank you!
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January 28, 2025 at 11:08 am #2649518
Hi, clearcreek6. Yes, the CampKinz Infirmary is still for trade. I accept your proposition, and I’m willing to trade it for the Skating Rink Floor Tiles, I also have three extras of the Regency chairs I can give you as well. I need nothing in return for them. Have a great day.
January 28, 2025 at 12:22 pm #2649602
Hi webkinzsunfox. That sounds great! I just sent over three of the tiles. Kinzpost won’t allow me to send two packages to the same friend on the same day so I’ll send the next three over tomorrow. Thank you – Clearcreek6
January 29, 2025 at 9:18 am #2649696
Hi, clearcreek6. I understand. I will also send you another package sometime tomorrow. Thank you for trading with me. I appreciate it. Have a great week.
January 27, 2025 at 10:03 am #2649324
Hi @Webkinzsunfox please send a friend request to 65peaches, I have a couple tiles I can send you. Nothing needed in return, but it you post the picture of the completed room on the forums, please let me know, I’d love to see it :) Have a great week! Your new friend, Rareone (65peaches)
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January 28, 2025 at 11:09 am #2649520
Hi, Rareone. Thank you for your very generous offer. Are you sure you want nothing in return?
If I ever post my room on the forums, I’ll make sure to let you know.
You should see a friend request from webkinzaquacat. Have a great week as well.You must be logged in to reply to this topic.
January 22, 2025 at 9:18 am #2648614
Hi hammeat – I wanted to touch bases with you. Thank you for the kinzpost notes that indicate you received the Festive Table and the Gingerbread Walls, Floor, and Windows I sent. I have not yet received from you the Seaside Palace Sandcastle we agreed was part of the trade. If you could reply back to me, I’d appreciate it very much. alphacat
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January 22, 2025 at 2:22 pm #2648654
Hi alphacat, I had sent you the seaside palace castle when you sent the gingerbread walls, floor, and festive table on that very same day. I also sent with it the cozy window seat since I had extras and wanted to include something more in what I was sending you. Check your items again because it was in fact sent to your account alphacat2.
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January 22, 2025 at 3:16 pm #2648704
Hi again hammeat. – Please accept my sincere apology. Yes, I had to scroll down quite a bit but I did find your gift – thank you very much and I love the sandcastle and the windowseat very much. The only explanation I can offer is that I’ve been recently moving a lot of items between my various accounts to this account which I use mainly for storage. It has caused my inbox to fill up quickly and I’m sorry that your gift became buried. Again, I apologize for my misunderstanding that was completely my fault. I enjoy helping other players find items they need and was glad to pass along items your way. I hope we can trade again sometime – alphacat/alphacat2
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January 22, 2025 at 4:04 pm #2648716
Hi alphacat, dw at all it happens to everyone but I’m very happy you found them in the end. It was great trading with you as well especially since you helped me get items I’ve been looking for for years! With that said if you or anyone else here can help me find a few items I would appreciate it: the classic Christmas tree (from 2005), any retired exclusive lava lamps, and the gingerbread houses (2009-2019). I’m really trying to complete some room themes and these items would get me that much closer :) – hammeat
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January 21, 2025 at 1:06 pm #2648534
I missed out on getting the where’s wacky arcade. I also missed out on getting the deluxe stained glass window that was given December 24, 2024. If anyone has an extra, I would greatly appreciate it. My username is NITA007
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January 20, 2025 at 8:55 am #2648348
There will be Flash Giveaways from me & other Giveaways from Anna with some of her accounts that will not be renewed. As I have done before, I will post her list followed by specific instructions & please help reduce her inventory. Thank you! bananasbw :D
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January 20, 2025 at 8:55 am #2648342
Hi, everyone I am a newer player, or i should say I’m back under a new account after many years away lol. I am big on farming and was wondering if anyone had any veggie fest seeds like apples, onions, hot peppers etc. and would be willing to part with some i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance on behalf of my wolf lupin and my snowy retriever Octavian.
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