Ice Dragon

The cuddly Ice Dragon is one cool customer who is always on polar patrol! If you look up very high in the sky you just might catch a glimpse of this legendary lizard surveying the arctic from its Ice Tower Lookout. But when it’s time for a break, the Ice Dragon is always up for a delicious Mythical Milkshake!

25 Responses to Ice Dragon

  1. migrubbs says:

    I’m getting this pet for my cousin Kathleen’s niece. I’m letting her keep the plush while I keep the code. I’m naming the pet Froslass from Pokemon.

  2. SavannahSong says:

    ooooo! i really want this one! sooo beautiful!

  3. lavadragon says:

    I am not sure what to name mine…. I am thinking something to do with the Northern Lights… Also known as The Aurora Borealis (:

  4. puppypower04 says:

    Wait, is this pet retired?

  5. 594nat says:

    I got her the week she was retiring and since then she always brings me good luck! Her name’s Auroura. ;-)

  6. icestorm13 says:

    so majestic looking. the webkinz dragons aren’t like those hideous dragons from those fairytale books. I mean, seriously, dragons can do more than breathe fire. anyway, i’m so glad they made an ice dragon. -icestorm13

    • lavadragon says:

      Yes.. Agreed icestorm13… Everyone thinks of dragons as evil creatures who breath fire and destroy thing… But they simply are not!!!! They are beautiful!!! I hope Ganz comes out with more Dragons…

      • Fracktail says:

        Don’t worry, dragons are so popular that the “dragons as monsters” stereotype is pretty much dead as far as I can tell. I’m not a fan of glorifying dragons too much, though; I feel like the depiction of them as elegant and flawless beings is kinda over the top. Personally, I prefer when they’re shown as voracious and animalistic, but not necessarily evil (think Hooktail from Paper Mario). Just like some real animals, they’re not evil, but it’s in their nature to eat anything they see, so they shouldn’t be prodded.

  7. Melonslicer says:

    The Ice Dragon is so cute. I named mine Chill :D

    • icestorm13 says:

      You named you ice dragon Chill? Lol, because that’s what i would name mine! Chill is like the best name ever for a ice dragon! :)

      • chickennuggey says:

        I have one.she did not come with a code I got her plush at goodwill like 2 years ago.I named her snowflake as I type this her plush is right next to me. lol .so is my stormy and whimsy dragon the stormy dragons name is stormy.the whimsy dragons name is cotton candy.

  8. Clau says:

    This was my 2nd pet. Her name is Blue-Eyes. I love it ver very much! I love all my W pets. I like her PSI.

  9. Toothless32 says:

    I have an ice dragon too! She is so pretty. I named her Jewel.

  10. Lynnberry says:

    Don’t not enter the tag with the code, because it mine got ruined, and now I can’t enter my Ice Dragon! :(

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