
There’s nothing quite as fine as a Rhino! This terrific pet is strong, brave, and loves to hang out with good friends. Rhinos also like a bit of competition, so be sure to take your Rhino to the Tournament Arena and take on some opponents!

7 Responses to Rhino

  1. shuggylay says:

    I have this pet! One I don’t remember where I got (but I know he was my tenth Webkinz) and the other was a virtual-only I got in a box of Series 3 Trading Cards. I named the first one Jimmy, but I don’t remember why, and the second one John, so that they could be Jimmy John, like the sandwich company.

  2. AvzoraB says:

    i can’t believe Ganz made a CUTE rhino! gotta get one!

  3. ChipperChirp says:

    He’s such a cute lil’ guy

  4. 594nat says:

    I didn’t notice the online version didn’t have eyebrows! I have this pet but don’t know what to name it. It’s a boy, any name ideas?

  5. Fracktail says:

    I wish the virtual version had eyebrows too. They make him look more cartoony and lovable.

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