
This warm, caring cat is the perfect addition to any Webkinz family. Siamese cats are outgoing, lively, friendly and lots of fun! Be sure to take this kitty to the Clubhouse to chat and play games with their pals. To make your Siamese smile, pick up a Succulent Tureen of Sardine at the W Shop!

28 Responses to Siamese

  1. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    Just ordered this cutie off Amazon! I’ll name him Blumiore (After one of my characters)

  2. Prettypikachu says:

    Mine’s named Rose, she’s a little bundle of joy =D Does anyone want to KP me the PSI? I accidentally sold it, this was my first Webkinz (other than my Velvety Elephant, Daisy) and I didn’t know what the heck a PSI was =/ I’m 9boogirl on Webkinz World. Thanks! – PrettyPikachu

  3. notwen says:

    I named this guy Jonah (yes, like from Jonah and the whale).

  4. shuggylay says:

    I have two of this pet! One I got for my birthday from my friends a few years ago, and the other I got for my birthday from my friends last year (different friends). The first one is named Julia, because it seemed to fit her, and the second is named Tiffany, because I saw that rmharri recommended it. Kudos to you, rmharri!

  5. TigerKinzKG says:

    I just got one today and named her Piper :)

  6. cat7890v says:

    i have this!

  7. jaybones says:

    I have it its actually a boy its name is copper

  8. 594nat says:

    I have one named Jade I like to go to the Trading Room with her. I love this pets green eyes!

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