Small Signature Pug

The mug on this Pug is just begging for a hug! This precious puppy is a very skilled artist who also likes to read for at least two hours every day! When this pup isn’t reading, you can usually spot the Pug on the playground Precious Purse Swing or snapping up some Gourmet Dog Biscuits! !

21 Responses to Small Signature Pug

  1. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    To me, this looks like the normal one, but a little bigger. It’s cute though.

  2. Animals5358 says:


  3. notwen says:

    I have to say, I’m not impressed with this one. It looks very similar to the regular pug, and I don’t see anything special about it other than being signature.

  4. fancielle says:

    Your entry for Small Signature Pug needs a link to its PSI which is the Precious Purse Swing.

  5. fancielle says:

    Oh! I love this plush! Soooo cute! Looks so soft and fuzzy! (Do pugs drool?)

  6. Clau says:

    This pet is my first W! I love it! I bought it from USA and its name is Bruno. <3 He is soooooo cute. ¤

  7. CountryKinz17 says:

    This is the first signature I ever got, her name is Brandy! I almost got the small signature golden retriever but my bestie wanted me to get the pug (plus my favorite webkinz is my webkinz pug) so I got the pug! xD

  8. spotty234 says:

    how do I buy one of these pets

  9. nonopuppy123 says:

    This pet online looks the same as the not signature one ?!

  10. piggy2000 says:

    whats its psi??????? i have the big pug iv had it since 2007 and i was just wondering…. it was my first pet and i didn’t know this existed!!!

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