Webkinz Stadium

The Webkinz Stadium is the place where pets meet to compete! If your pet has earned their pins at the Kinzville Academy they will get access to the scheduled competitions including Beauty Pageant, Cooking, or Running. The top 3 finalist for each competition get a trophy or medal! If you don’t have any pins, you can try the Quick Events, where the first 20 pets who enter can compete against each other! Head on over and meet Fred Rover!

15 Responses to Webkinz Stadium

  1. lerpal says:

    i once got 4th, lucky me! XD

  2. mugsysgirlatzilladogcom says:

    Yeah! I totally love the Beauty Pagent. Oh I am not saying I am a fashion fanatic though

  3. vic8kir says:

    I love competing there!

  4. price1245 says:

    hey the trick to the fashion show is going to kinzville academy.its not really about the clothes.also does anyone know of any other tips.

  5. price1245 says:

    i never won anything. congrats to all of the winners.

  6. Ilovepuppies101 says:


  7. Nevie_Boo says:

    I just won the Quick Event Running Race with my Signature Harp Seal, Sierra! I was so exited! :D

  8. KoalasRock2000 says:

    I never place high in competitions. But I win running races all the time. I have three pets for quick events. Kola- running races, Butterfinger- Beauty Pageants, and Pinky Pie- Cooking. Kola is good at all three though.

  9. Galaya says:

    I WIN!! quick events and once got SEVENTH in a real competition and got a badge!!! :)

  10. TinaKitty24 says:

    So far the highest rank I got on quick events running is 3rd. :O

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