Whimsy Dragon

Dragons are mighty, mythical creatures; in fact, some people believe dragons are even a bit magical! One thing is for sure; this Whimsy Dragon is a perfectly pink pal, waiting to meet a friend like you. Whimsy Dragons absolutely love to learn, play, and explore Webkinz World!

20 Responses to Whimsy Dragon

  1. kerijaen6 says:


  2. LunaKnightJr says:

    My sister has one that she named Hookfang. I told her that if she got a bear from Build a Bear Workshop and named it Snotlout, that he wouldn’t be very happy with his dragon, but she still named him Hookfang. Also, what class would the Whimsy Dragon be in?

  3. Solothedragon says:

    Pink is my favorite color, but this dragon is not my in my top 3 favorites. But put that aside, this was my first dragon webkinz i got. I got her on Christmas. I loved her so much! I love her pink, blue, and sorta purple fur! I also loved the belly material. So pink and shiny! This is just super cute! Named mine Whimsy. Yeah, wasn’t so creative of names at the time! XD

  4. Fracktail says:

    My favorite Webkinz in the whole wide world, without a doubt!!! Allow me to elaborate on my Whimsy Dragon love: 1. It is a dragon. The first dragon, actually. This fact alone already gives her cool points. 2. It is a PINK dragon. It doesn’t matter if you hate pink with your guts, because pink dragons are epic no matter what! 3. It is a COTTON CANDY PINK dragon. I bet instead of fire, it breathes cotton candy at people. Because she’s just that awesome. 4: It is a COTTON CANDY PINK dragon with adorable stubby wings and ears. Stubby wings+floppy ears=best pet (as eloquently dictated by the Property of Best Pet-itude). 5. She eats FLICKERING FLAME FAJITAS for BREAKFAAAST!!! I don’t know about you, but that is the most epic thing ever!!!! I mean, I can’t eat two pepperonis without my mouth being on fire. This gal eats her spicy fajitas ON FIRE. That is amazing. I could go on even more about why this dragon is awesome, but you get the point. :P Whimsy Dragon: 1, Everything else: 0. Keep score at home, everyone. (/joking)

    • 594nat says:

      Is the Whimsy Dragon your favourite? I have one named Glitterwing and I agree that they are pretty awesome! :-)

      • Fracktail says:

        Yes indeed!! If that overly-enthusiastic comment up there wasn’t enough to clue you in, haha. But yeah, Whimsy Dragons rock my socks. As proven, of course, by the Property of Best Pet-itude. :P

    • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

      Wow! You really like the Whimsy Dragon!! I’ve never seen one in person, but the pictures of it look pretty adorable!! :) And congrats on having a favorite Webkinz! I absolutely can’t choose a favorite. XD

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