
The magical land of Zumwhere is the place to learn all about Zums! When you visit Zums you will get a Zum room where you can play with your Zum and earn some Zummies! Then you can spend your Zummies at the Z-Shop for prizes! If you choose to go Zum Sighting, each day you can try and take a picture of a Zum to add to your Field Guide. Fill up your Field Guide and you will unlock a special prize! Everyone gets a few free plays to try it out, but Deluxe Members can play in Zumwhere every day!

4 Responses to Zumwhere

  1. 594nat says:

    Yesterday I found out that if you put in a ZUM Kinz KLIP it counts as a regular zum! Now I have 9! :-)

  2. nailcoat says:

    i got a feature code and thought id be able to do both but it only lets me do zum sighting

  3. TinaKitty24 says:

    The Zumwhere prizes are REALLY cool but it’s REALLY boring to take care of your Zums. You just have to wait for them to ask for something and then give it to them.. :/

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