A Cool Pet of the Month!

The coolest bear in Webkinz World is December’s Pet of the Month! Give it up for the always awesome, always winsome Polar Bear! You can catch the Polar Bear in its very own video, “Ice Man Blues” (who knew the Polar Bear was such a great sax player?). When you adopt the Polar Bear in December, you’ll get a special loot bag of great gifts!

47 Responses to A Cool Pet of the Month!

  1. unicorns123 says:

    I’ll enter! Grey Signature Webkinz Cats rock! :D

  2. polarbear1 says:

    Whoo, hoo! I got the Iceman Blues!!!!

  3. wizardgirl says:

    Good idea, seadog! We’ll do that. Oh, and lollipop! I like that name, Stripey. Or maybe Stripes. Or just plain Stripes. Keep entering, peoples!

  4. Bittersweet says:

    whoo, hoo! the 2nd entry is here! maybe I’ll stop it at 5? hmm…

  5. lollipop says:

    Wow, everybody’s commenting! Well, now. It’s like a big conversation! Nice idea, seadog. You should totally use the idea, wizardgirl. I’ll start off the competition… if you guys use it. Stripey!

  6. singsong says:

    I want to enter the name contest! (Bittersweet’s.)
    I’d name a tie-dye puppy, Rainbow! But Skittles is cool, too.

  7. seadog says:

    Ohhh!!!! I have an idea! What if we all came up with a Signature Grey Tabby Cat!? It’s not for polar bears… but I think it will do, don’t you?
    CATS ROCK!!! (Despite my name, seaDOG.)

  8. wizardgirl says:

    Hey, can somebody come up with a contest we can all do? Like what Bittersweet did. That’d be FUN! I’ll be BACK!

  9. unicorns123 says:

    Ha! Nice name! Jumping beans are AWESOME!!

  10. jumpingbean123 says:

    hey! i have a polar bear… its lil kinz, though. but its still adorable!

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