Sneak Peek: Signature Siamese Cat

The Signature Siamese Cat is a pet without peer in their sly sense of confidence! After a long day of being lauding over by others, they prefer to lounge with imperial purpose on their Noble Stone Monument! When they want to eat, treat them to a feast from the East, with some Shrimp Pad Thai!

85 Responses to Sneak Peek: Signature Siamese Cat

  1. chihuahualover says:

    No way! I want It sooooo bad:)

  2. lexi says:

    Oooooo!!!!! I love the cat and her stuff! I really,really,really,rrreeeaaaaaalllyyyyy want her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lucky2o7 says:

    It’s so cute! But maybe I’m not a big fan of the PSI.


    awww, she’s so cute. and “she” is just saying i would make her a girl if i had it.

  5. daisichain says:

    look at that little cutie… i m waiting for it to come into stores so i can get it. i’m trying to think of a name for it, but all i’ve come up with is Vanilla or Oreo, but Vanilla isn’t an option because i’ve already got a pet named Vanilla.

  6. beatlemania1964 says:

    i HAVE to get it i am going to name it ringo starr. I HAVE TO GET IT

  7. skerrett says:

    I dont have a signitue webkinz so I really want this cat

  8. honesty policy says:

    @ CM, I dont think that the feet are too big. I think they are just fine. Also, i think that everything you say is a placebo. HP

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