Music Starz

Want to see all of the great Pet of the Month music videos? Now you can watch them any time you want in Webkinz World! Just click on "Music Starz" in the Things To Do menu and select the video of your choice.


And it gets better! If you adopt the Pet of the Month during its month, you'll get to download a free MP3 of your special pet's  song. Take these catchy tunes wherever you go! Kinz Tunes MP3s are also available at the Ganz eStore, if you'd like a copy of any of the songs you may have missed.

5 Responses to Music Starz

  1. mariagabi says:

    I love Tiger Tiger hit…

  2. SYNASTER REV says:

    horible idea!

  3. foREVerTHEREV says:

    that’s the worst idea ganz has come up with!

  4. 356fluffy says:

    hey kalen all you have to do to be pet of the month is bye that webkinz and log it on during that certain month

  5. kalen says:

    i don’t know how to be pet of the month

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