Smelly Kinz?
PEE-UW! Did you forget to give your pet a bath? What happens if you don’t scrubb-a-dub-dub your pet often enough in the tub?

Good hygiene is an important part of daily life and that includes taking a bath! If you don’t bathe yourself, will you start to smell? The same surely goes for your Webkinz. If you haven’t bathed them in a while, then yes they may start to get a little stinky! And who wants a smelly pet? So make sure you keep your Webkinz clean by taking regular bubble baths. Your pet will thank you for it, and will be much happier, healthier, and cleaner! Plus, their pet pals will be much happier to hang around them while you’re gone! Don’t forget to scrub behind their ears too! It’s good to know that bathing can also be therapeutic – after a long hard day, it’s good to relax by taking a nice, hot, soapy, bubble bath!