Makeover Madness – Back in School!

What’s up, Webkinz fans?

It’s Hailey and Elwin back for another round of May Makeover Madness! Today’s challenge isn’t going to be easy – but it WILL be awesome! Ms. Cowoline gave each of us carte blanche (that means total freedom) to do whatever we wanted with a room at her school. Hailey decided she was going to try her hand at fixing up the staffroom.  Me? I’m a cafeteria connoisseur, so I chose to makeover the caf. Check out the before and after shots of each, and then let us know who did a better job in the comments below!











Hailey: I couldn’t believe this staffroom – it’s so dark and dreary! What surprised me even more than that was how many things were mismatched! Check out the chairs – only three are the same. And, as one teacher said, “You never want to be late for lunch – or you’ll get the little blue stool!” When the largest piece of art in the room is Booger’s times tables poster, you know your staffroom needs a major makeover. My goal was to create a space where teachers could come to meet, relax, mark papers, and talk. With that in mind, this is what I created:









I kept the carpet because it was in pretty good shape. The kitchen needed a total re-work, so we added high-end appliances, and a blender and toaster (who doesn’t like toast first thing in the morning?)! I also created a few separate areas – a long table for eating together and having meetings, a book nook where teachers can relax, and a conversation area (complete with guitar for impromptu sing-alongs)! The biggest, most obvious change in this room is the windows. It was a lot of work, but having so many windows serves two purposes: to let light in, and to let the outside be the art on the walls! What did Ms. Cowoline say? “A-plus!”


Great job, Hailey. But prepare to be amazed. This is what the Kinzville Academy cafeteria looked like, PE (that’s Pre-Elwin):







Elwin: When I walked in here, I was stunned – so many chairs! So many tables! So little art on the walls! This place is not inspiring in the least, and quite frankly, such a blah environment would make it even harder to choke down the already-questionable mystery meat. Let’s see if we can liven things up!








Now THAT’S better! Check out the awesome patterns (I LOVE that countertop – it’s so retro!) and the use of color. I love mixing and matching, so this room is ideal. My other favorite addition has to be the sushi bar – what student wouldn’t adore that? We upgraded the windows, added a juice fridge and put up a poster with a message I can totally get behind – “Let’s make the world a better place!” Well, I think we’ve definitely made the students’ world a better place, with this awesome cafeteria!


So, readers – it’s up to you! Who did a better job? Hailey or Elwin? Let us know what you think below!

142 Responses to Makeover Madness – Back in School!

  1. Sarah says:

    This was so hard! But I think Hailey did a better job. Sorry Elwin you did good too.

  2. funny rabbit says:

    bravo for the work, all school rooms are great!;))

  3. Kulkid2000 says:

    Haily did better. I think she should have used a different flooring, because it looks a little mismatched compared to the rest of the room.

  4. Hannah says:

    Why are there a bunch of May posts in the featured articles?!?!?!

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